UK is widely known as one of the best countries in the world, with well established and organize system. Having colonized countries, which turned out to be influencial in the world. Many countries have looked how there system is well organized, and desired to structure their political activities as theirs. They made the name for themselves, a good record. David Cameron left office when the issue of Brexit arose.


Some Britons justifiably consider themselves too good and can independently survive on their own, with greatest ease consider themselves to leave Europe and strive on. It is great step but need a lot of stability to push through. David Cameron left his position as UK prime minister when citizenry didn’t buy his ideal, Theresa May came in with the aim of fullfllling their promise, which is leaving Europe, she failed to lead them out, the novelty prime minister Boris Johnson who looks more aggressive and often comapared to US Trump, as they both have similar approach to politics.


UK are so confident about leaving Europe, but what could be their fate, possibly it will nurture sour relationship among European countries, Europe are nonchalant about the deal, UK MP have majority that turned down the ideal, it has become tough for the new prime minister that guarantee October as the deadline for UK leaving Europe, it has grown acrimony in UK politics, wide range of disunity, UK are not known for chaos this could tarnish their legacy as internal political war take a strong ground. Even if they leave Europe, without any deal, they might find it difficult to succeed. To negotiate trade with other countries will be too hard for them, they will be pictured as new country, if UK failed to leave by October it will cause a huge blow.