

Rape have become prevalent in our society its emotional feeling is disturbing, the rate is a problem to humanity, young ladies are being raped almost everyday around the world, emotionally they felt in. Your dress gives out signal the kind of person you are, when you dress, dress properly in a way that you won’t attract any ill signal to anybody, we have to think about the emotion.

Those you are being around with have a way of influencing your live, keep a good company of that and stay safe for yourself. Alcohol, those who are being controlled by alcohol and see it as a leverage to commit crime should be punished and you will be able to stay away if you notice any kind of that. Don’t make yourself a cheap commodity. We should learn to report and abstain from such horrible crime, it is total barbaric and uncultured it has no place in our culture, we should promote healthy society. The emotion is involved is terrific

The level of heinous crimes in our society is alarming, few efforts are made to curtail it, exposing ladies to the gullible society, where they feel less insecure about themselves.

We should really have a deep thought on emotional feeling, victims of such crime undergo, such experience will leave them with long time trauma, which will Influence his status in the society and allow them to have low self-esteem.https://anthonyemmanuel.com/how-to-reclaim-your-joy-when-you-feel-like-giving-in/

Always educate ladies on how to go about such awful circumstances, by standing up against the crime and speak up, it will help to heal the pain. Exposing sensitive parts of your body will always attract rapist especially in a lonely place, try and be modest in your dressing, it can play an important role in curtailing the crime. 

Seek advice from experts, they can provide long lasting solutions to the problems, medical attention might be needed to foster the development and continuous growth by healing the pain.
