It is a fight with oneself, when you want to conquer yourself and move out boldly to make a difference. It is big task ahead it is not always easy, the voice you have chosen to heard, is one of the defiance, you should be painstaking in making those decisions, this is what you chosen to do for a living.

To do this, you need to sit back and have a deep thought about it, you need a quiet serious time to make such decision, what you should first, read inspiring books, that are going to move you, that will drive your passion, to greater heights, that is when you implore yourself in reading other men’s writing, so that you will gained easily, what they have laboured for, so take it serious, start to disassociate yourself with people, that doesn’t share the same ideal with you, keep such people can be dangerous, because they will ruin every attempts you made to succeed in life, it will be like chasm separating you from them, because your thoughts have changed, you don’t see life the same way they did, you and them have become uncomfortable with one another, it is necessary to break any connections with them, to avoid futher demoralizing talks. Step up and be the greatest version of yourself.

What are you good at, it is a problem as a parents, to detect what a child has chosen to do, in life especially these children with multi talents, they seem to be good in everything they engage with, to direct them will be a big task.

The best way to do it, observe what makes this child happy, the one he is at ease with, the one that drives his passion, in doing this, you are directing, to his life career, if you are not happy with what you do, there is a problem, you will not give your best and full commitment to the work, you apply nonchalant attitude to work, which kills the spirit. Discover yourself, it is good for parents to allow their children to choose a career path for themselves, it is usually give a strong disagreement between the two parties, at occasion when parents think they know what is right for their child, and the child will have a strong ground, to do something out of what his parents have chosen for him, eventually when he succeeds the happiness will be on everyone’s face, allow children to discover themselves, you are there as guidance, keep guiding and some time, give them liberty and exposure. You can be the greatest version of yourself