At this critical time, the world are indefatigably searching for vaccine or drugs which can be used to cure coronavirus, despite that could coronavirus redefine heroism, depending on people or group persons which could give an answer to the pandemic, and help save the world from the pandemic.

Heroes are people who from their bravely, sacrifice and fortitude gave everything, for the interest of the society, achieving something remarkable and who everyone has recognize as hero. Could coronavirus redefine heroism? Changing the qualities which make up a hero. Now the question to the pandemic, which the health workers have put every efforts to make sure the outcome is fruitful.

The pandemic is seriously ravaging many countries, like the USA, Italy and UK where they have greater number of reported cases, including China where the pandemic first broke out. The fact is, many countries in collaboration with World Health Organization (WHO) are working around the clock with best medical doctors, seeking to find cure from the pandemic.

Heroism is not something that comes too often, it is delivering the people when they needed you the most, and that truly counts. Coronavirus could shape the idea of heroism, now this is not political heroism, it is medical weapon, although everyone is allowed to come with their sample once it has satisfied the necessary tests.

There are other heroes which has come and go. Abraham Lincoln was an American hero, who fought the American civil war and come out victorious. And the father of democracy when he gave out the most acceptable definition of democracy ‘government of the people, by the people and for the people’, which is the most popular system of government practiced in the world.

Martin Luther King Jr, a hero whose sole ambition was to liberate black people. Martin Luther King Jr, fought a good battle, his influence and what he has done, have changed the lives of black people, he delivered when black people were catching hell around the world, he sacrificed his life for the future of black people around the world, and that have proven fruitful with his famous speech’I Have A Dream’.

Nelson Mandela, a true hero, a leader worthy of emulation. Nelson Mendela stepped up when South Africa needed him the most, during the time of dreadful apartheid, he was dogmatic, believed in the struggle which he has put all his life in. He went to prison fighting against apartheid for twenty seven years, every attempts to persuade him from the struggle was abortive. He once said ‘unless my people are free I’m not free’ today he has set South Africa free from apartheid and he is a true hero.

Today, the world is keen in eliminating coronavirus, could coronavirus redefine heroism? How would people celebrate the end of the pandemic, and the people or group of persons which later find the drug for the pandemic, may be it could be the new face of heroes.