Photo Credit: Anadolu Ajansi
The beauty of constructive arguments is its diversity, disagree to agree. In Africa many countries, there are conflict of opinions towards methods of governance, sadly vast majority do not appreciate that, supporters are eagerly ready to demonise views of the other side, it is about who is right or wrong, and who gets to win the argument. Far from sustainable development, it is drastically leading the society into decay, humanity has been drastically reduced to nothing and the deplorable state of things in Africa keeps getting bad and it seems that, there is no escape to the impediments, the core problem that keeps confronting Africa today, is leadership.
In Nigeria’s last election, it went beyond electing officials who will represent the people, from party delegates to the general elections. In as much as, there is beauty in diversity, but when this diversity doesn’t appreciate the beauty, it becomes a nightmare. Millions of people in Nigeria are wallowing in abject poverty, every year universities in the country graduate hundreds of thousands of students, ably young people who are eager and willing to embrace the labour market, only to meet nothing, running for one job interview to another, the problem still remain leadership.
People continue to defend lies, and embrace corruption in Nigeria because they are benefactors of such arrangements, there are complete absence of honesty and transparency in the system. The Constitution of the country under chapter 4 makes provision for right to life, under section 33, when government withheld salaries for months without paying workers, which they rely on survival and livelihood have they not breach that section? Country lawmakers will eagerly approve budget to procure vehicles for a whopping sum of N165m each for themselves, while in the same country government struggle to approve N30,000 minimum wage, and it is direct man inhumanity to man, because government is about the people.
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Recently the military allegedly claimed it was a mistake for bombing civilians, in Kaduna, Nigeria. Lives have lost its value in Nigeria, this is beyond debating political right and wrong, when those who are supposed to protect the people are the one attacking them, it sparks thought provoking moment without the clear view of the whole. Citizens argue beyond repair, a country surviving on borrowing and yet the clear impact of the borrowing is rarely seen in the economy, Nigeria’s currency value continue to fluctuate against dollar, country that is doing bad economically spend N3billion for funding COP28 representatives in the Middle East and young people are leaving ‘japa’ on a high number on daily basis, because they cannot see or envisage light at the end of the tunnel, and it is a sad situation.
Instead of radically advocating for and defending politicians, Nigerians should channel the energy on advocating for reduction on the number of out of school children, high rate of unemployment, health care scheme and energetically advocate and protest for good governance. This could be immediate panacea to terrorism, banditry and agitation, it will create an enabling environment for sustainability of development. If you feel sympathy for civilians suffering in a distant land that you paint placards demand for cease fire and peace, you could also replicate that at home demanding end to hate speech and ethnic motivated attacks, it brings unity and facilitates growth, but since ill-equipped politicians don’t wish the wider public to have this knowledge they place discord among people to achieve their sinister goals.
This is collectiveness of existence and mutual humanity, you have to see the borderlines clearly, if sustainable leadership is prioritize in Africa, it will be a new dawn for progressive growth. It is sad to see the Africa’s workforce leaving in search of greener pastures in various countries of the world, this is because the poor leadership has reached to a boiling point, it doesn’t get any worst than this current situation and they have to survive, conflict of opinions on governance doesn’t get the continent anywhere closer to sustainable leadership, rather it blight development in Africa, one voice and high energy for better society will usher it new atmosphere in Africa.
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