You cannot build on a fragile surface; no building is going to stand on already collapsed system. Many factors are in place hindering growth in Africa, which is mostly self-inflicted setting yourself up against your people in order to satisfy your gluttony. To found a system that is going to work on interests of the poor masses and dismantle the oligarchs in Africa, will demand a drastic measure towards such approach and this is what the continent is craving for, a workable system that will improve the standard of living, but it seems that everything is going ten time backward and it is draining for people.

Religion and politics are huge mechanism used by those in power to brainwash vulnerable people into believing hoax theories making up to get the support of a particular set of the public, and gullible citizens are the ones used to achieve this purpose. Failed leadership and flimsy minds hinder growth in Africa, they make sure people are playing along in a music they have set for them, since good number of the public in Africa could barely acquire the basic education in a conducive environment, they planted poverty and use token to buy people, preventing them from seeing the bigger picture.

Time for Africa to take a new shape

Life in Africa is demeaning nothing is working, young people are leaving Africa for greener pastures, while government officials get the highest payday, and citizens’ minimum wage could barely afford a proper meal for the family. It is a destructive system, it kills the dreams of a dreamer, all these factors are presence in Africa and it is hindering growth in Africa, it seems that there is no visionary Africa, a time when people can effortlessly smile at one another, if you look at what is happening, to think about such moment you must be living in a cuckoo land.

Crisis in Africa instigated by political struggle has been major setback in a progressive African society, due to such crisis people are forced to run away from their homes for safety, and the government is doing little or nothing to make sure such people are getting back to their homes. Ethiopia and Tigray fights have been going for nearly two years, and the regional bloc or AU have literally done nothing to quell the situation, and they are interested in taking sides, you see a lot of bad politics hindering growth in Africa, subjecting people to inhuman treatment.


  1. In order to enable one to dream, I believe I have to get some sleep but the country have taken away my bed. It’s so sad!


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