This is the time to stop creating negativity around yourself, and everything that has to do with who you are, where is your pride? You allow people’s opinions to decide who you are. Keep away all this negativity surrounding your career, this is time to take control, obtain your ownership control over your life and let what you say and think decide who you are.

You need to be self-aware, don’t let anybody else decide for you, don’t allow them to control your life or they will keep detecting what you will do and what you don’t do, go through the process, it is a process you have to embrace that fact, there is no maneuver. Step outside of your own self, being very conscious of where you are going to, your vision is what matters to you, you need to soak up with that career, it is everything you can think of, it is your survival, don’t joke with that, take it very seriously and watch it give you what you want.

Dream the impossible

Your career is your pride, you need to protect that, don’t joke with that unless you will see yourself in terrible situations you will struggle to come out from. That pride within your career is what you need, don’t allow it to go outside that area, conceived it within yourself, that is the most important thing. If you exhibit that unwanted pride outside your career it will come in the way of you being hungry, you will lose your bite and you will not be hungry anymore. It can get very tough, but you need to keep your head up, this is that moment which is shaping and preparing you for the tougher fight ahead. It doesn’t end when you get your goals and see your dream come true, from there another fight