Every other generations before Gen Z will feel the saturated atmosphere, and that gives them the impression that they are living in terms and conditions of this generation- they are living in Gen Z world. And that seems to have changed many traditional concepts of doing things, especially in the area of choosing career path, relationships and general approach to life. Self-discovery is a process that involves your mental and physical alertness to the subject matter, this tenacious journey of self-discovery Gen Z’s are looking away, looking for more easy way and shortcut approach to success. Highly conscious of social interaction and settings, the shifting of the grounds are between social media stunts and real life situations which are world apart.

Self-discovery is ultimately finding your identity professionally and your personal relationships with other people. It takes a lot of work to reach this finished product, accepting the challenges to throw yourself into such journey to mould and form yourself. It involves a lot of patience and perseverance Gen Z don’t have, that’s why they can try many things without necessarily having a flair for it, but for the purpose of moving with the crowd and joining the trend. It may not be the right direction to follow, when it comes to improving the craft and evolving it, enthusiasm will be found wanting, and that goes to the root of self-discovery.

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Has Economic determinant propel such approach?

The consciousness of economic intelligence has infested the social media, which is dominated by Gen Z, they are getting sanitised about the importance of improving your finance and putting it at forefront. It is special time in history where digital economy and digital currency, and ultra-modern technology are driving the market force. Majority of the Gen Z that are in internet are turning it to personal e-commerce where they market their products and try to persuade internet users to buy from them. Content creation is at its peak, a lot of people are trying to be creative in areas not necessarily where they have passion but areas that have become lucrative,  like comedy, pranks and short videos.

Information is key, people are now willing to pay to acquire knowledge and have the information to forge ahead. Being in the right circle and sharing ideas and information provide you with the insight to create premeditated plan to break the hurdles ahead. The information has improved to make large room for discussion like financial independence, it is now discussion of economy without patience.

Self-discovery is looking different for Gen Z,  they are setting time to do and achieve everything they want to have in life, where the idea of “fast life” reign. They want to have life at the fullest, have a house and slowing discarding conventional approach to marriage. Some people are now comfortable saying that they might not marry or have children. The idea of pursuit of happiness is not subjective, it is based on individual understanding and perception of what happiness is all about, provided that other individuals’ rights to happiness are not trampled on. There are many routes to serve individuals pursuit, as self-discovery is differed on number of preferred circumstances.


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