You can’t continue to spoon-feed your kids all the time, getting into their minds to spark that creativity, teaching them to be independent and problem solvers will prepare them to adult stage, if they are too caged with lack of exposure they will struggle and wobbly during their adult stage. It is gradual steps to lead them into that space, when they are made comfortable with what they like, from there they will learn to figure out moments on their own without elder person guiding them, when they are stuck with school work and needed assistance from parents to guide them, and parents probably had long day in the office, and feel so jaded that they cannot assist at the material time, it will prompt the kid to think outside the box to get the school work done without necessarily thinks he was abandoned and neglected by his parents.

This applies to every day activities in life, when kids are overly saturated with adults who have to guide them and correct them at every spot they don’t become independent and problem solvers from such atmosphere,  it will make them very prone to mistakes, and will heavily rely on the guidance of the adults before they can do anything in life. It will create a different ambience when parents show confidence in their kids, and allow them to try out new things without worrying whether they will get it right or not, it makes them think it is OK to fail at times but not all the time and they will take responsibility and be better than they were, that’s growth, creativity and independence, and will take route of problem solvers.

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It comes with moment of clarity, it can start from small act of arranging their bedsheets and pillows, reading ahead of the class so that when the teacher comes next he will be fully abreast with the teaching and be in the better position to ask questions without looking utterly confused. Offering to help to wash dishes even when they are presumably not old enough to do that, but because they felt that sense of responsibility to think outside of their minds make them problem solvers. With that you have gotten the clue of where they are heading in life and you can rightfully model them into that path providing them with proper guidance, when they check in into your routine and see how you get on with your schedules as parents, they tend to imitate that and prioritize themselves.

This approach prepares them to the wider society, creating and setting up a productive environment is an asset towards achieving desired goals and objectives. Once they are properly nurtured and schooled into that space by their guardian or parent they tend not to depart from that space. It is interesting to see how they get on with those lessons when there is no adult to guide them, they can easily navigate through that path trusting their instincts, that’s sense of responsibility will began to build up, and they can easily sought for guidance when they encounter puzzle box around the way. If kids are prepared socially and emotionally about detects of life, they won’t find it difficult to navigate through different life challenges.


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