The audacity to see through your dreams to beat the odds, the odds are always against but you need to thrive of such pressure to inspire your life. You don’t fold under pressure, you have to be ready for every fight, that’s how you conquer every day is a new challenge, it is a continuous effort to be the best you can be, you don’t set limit for yourself, there is no barrier to what you can become, once you conceived it, you can be it, the power to see through your dream and breathe life into it, lies on you. You’re going to take losses on the way, nothing is guaranteed but the audacity of forging ahead despite the obstacles will be the difference maker.

There is no shortcut to it, you still have to follow the same process, it is not given, you have to take your spot, it is up there to be taken, but those who hold onto their breathe for long will be the change makers. The audacity to see life through your dreams show that everything you’re doing revolves around that, it is lifeline in which you anchor your being. You have to plan how you’re going to use your dreams to uplift the people that’s how you conquer the world by being of services to others, if your dreams are not going to influence people positively, it will be short-lived and abortive.

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Be part of the innovative generation that is hell-bent on imposing themselves and make the world stand for them, the world is yours to take, you need the audacity and boldness to stand on what you represent, and it is through that you portray your identity. Your identity is not actually where you come from, but it is what you do with what you have, and how you use it become a global wave, you have to live your life out through that. It is constant effort and the audacity to go through the forging hoping that there will always be light at the end of the tunnel.

To mention the audacity of hope is the fulcrum of the dreams, a man can only run with his hope in his heart that’s the constant drive to continue pushing for the dreams. You have to create that enabling environment around what you do, and surround it with positivity to help you sail through tough times. Dreams are what makes life worth living, it creates that aura of fulfillment and satisfaction towards your existence, you need to cultivate your life through that and have the audacity to live your dreams through hard work and perseverance, you’re going to fail, but what makes the difference is how you bounce back.


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