If you wake up and someone reminds you about dream, you need to have rethink, because you shouldn’t be there. The process might be crooking, but this is just how it works, it is shaping you up for a phenomenal future, don’t get weigh down because of its rough process, always be excited to get to it.
When you find what you love doing, you would like to do it throughout your entire life, because it feels like that is where the joy is, using to transform lives and aid the development of mankind.
You should always be excited to get to it, always put your energy, it is your energy that powers your dream, if you’re drained you’re not going to do anything, you need to keep the energy always charged, to be able to move at high acceleration at the touch of inspiration.
Nothing good comes too easy, it is gradual process, for gigantic outcome, at this point you need to numb the pain, it is hurting but you need to form resistance to all those pains, that’s what makes you a genius, you don’t fall when others are falling, you stand tall and fighting for the process.
You need to understand your fight, it may not really matter how long it takes to reach there, but what counts is the processes and how they were able to shape at every stage, just like the way its experiences will keep you to the top, it more easier to go to the top, than to stay at the top. Someone who failed to embrace the process, went to the top without any clue and they get kicked out.
You need to keep your headstrong and keep fighting, it is easy to fall victim of defeat, and very to be victorious. But there is a borderline between the two, which means you should in between the lines and embrace the process to under the bigger picture.
Always fight for your place, you have to earn the right to be at the top, the process will always be there to nurture every outcome in helping to shape you up, just one shot at life and screw everything else and grab life by the throat and make him to give you everything you have worked for.
If you’re patience the process will continue to work in your favour, you don’t have to be all over place you need to be specific with your target and go get your goals.