Old age is surpassing life expectancy of human being, although religious people will put it down to the gift from God, whichever way it is recognized, it is a privilege to witness your retirement.

Life is into stages, the childhood, which is full of ecstasy, bringing in the goodness of life, with the pleasure to explore and live without responsibilities.

Some people feel nostalgia, if not most people, the years of childhood is indispensable, it is not something you will forget, it is a memory that will live and stay with you, throughout your entire life.

Advancing to adolescent stage, comes with responsibility, of taking care of yourself and building your confidence, and at this stage your motivation is very important.

Your priority now revolves around your dreams, what have inspired you, all your life and the eagerness to push forward and make it reality.

Your life centers with your family and friends, learning the rudiments of life and inculcating the right values, learning the scope of life.

Your future, now is in your hands, this is the practical aspect of your life, the time you exhaust all the youthful energy and strength in your dream, at this time you’re going to learn a lot of things, this is where they say the sacrifices of today will determine the fate of tomorrow.

Adulthood is the stage, you bring in your mature self, at this point you don’t have to rush life, you observe and take it slowly to the next level.

You may get married, you may buy house, have kids. It comes with full time responsibilities, you have to draw your schedule everyday to be able to meet up with your daily dealings, your life is structured and organized.

But this is not to turn blind eye, on difficulties you’re going to encounter in life, the hardship, broken heart, disappointment and all kinds of tragedy that’s going to weigh you down, but you have to keep your head up and keep grinding.

Sometimes it doesn’t work the way we planned it, but with right grind and putting all the energy in it, everything will come out positive.

Don’t live recklessly, your decision matters, it will not only affect you, but also people around, the way you live matters, your dream matters, everything about you matters.

This is where it is, rightly said that, unexamined life is not worth living, at this stage the hard work and efforts of your prime will start showing, then you reap everything you have sowed years back.

Old age is a blessing, not everyone has the opportunity to reach that climax of human existence, the time that is full of exploration, exploring the beauty of nature.

If you fail to plan your life very well, your old age will be a nightmare, something you will quickly forget.

This is the time you sit back and watch the fruit of your labour, too much work is no longer needed, few talks and direction, then things will be under control.

Your house will be full with your grandchildren, telling stories and leading them to the right path of life, eager to tell the adventures of life and children with all the pleasure paying attention to the story.

Your life and story will be an inspiration to the younger generation, because they will always remember, life is never easy but with hard work, consistency, discipline and perseverance you can always be where you wanted to be.

The time to travel around, talking about things you would have loved to do, writing about the place you visited and which got your attention the most.