Why Jollof Rice Is The Most Popular Dish In West Africa

Jollof rice is a very popular dish in West Africa, a kind of dish you can easily learn while growing up in the region, and you see it often in movies, and not different from something you cook at home, and it will somehow give you this sense of satisfaction that you’re assimilating.

This is the type of meal every households enjoy cooking and kids got so much attached to it that they literally eat it everyday and maintain the same enthusiasm towards the dish, the aroma have something special in it that makes it so spicy.

Sundays and Christmas are special seasons for Christian, they celebrate it with all the vibes in it, in this celebrations Jollof rice is not excluded, even the poorest households will make every efforts to be part of those people who cook on Sundays or Christmas, that’s how rice is placed so much value on.

In cooking competition Jollof rice can be easily chosen for the contest, because of its simplicity and general acceptance, you could barely hear about households who don’t cook rice, although everyone might have different patterns of preparing the dish but still arrive at the end point with rich tastes.

Jollof rice has gained international recognition, although some people have different name for it, in West Africa if you haven’t taste Nigeria and Ghana Jollof rice, you are hundred miles away from the dish which gives the region a cooking recognition.

Foreigners are craving to get hold of this dish, a type of dish young ladies can talk about their personal skill in cooking it and brag about who cooks the best, in preparing meal there is always personal skill which you wouldn’t want to share with other people.

For these reasons food stuffs are generally costly in Africa due to the festive season, market women will make a lot of profits, because most food stuffs that are expensive in festive season are primarily the one used in making Jollof rice.

To spice up the food, some people tend to use different kinds of vegetable sauce to eat Jollof rice, cooking the both separate to enjoy it simultaneously, vegetable adds a special taste to it with dry fish, they combine to give delectable aroma.

Jollof rice can be combined with many other vegetable and fruits, plantain gives it this in-depth taste, fried plantain and chicken placing it side by side can make you salivate before the meal is served, literally everyone enjoys Jollof rice adding their own recipe.

This is the dish that is not culturally or any way attributed to special people, the type of dish you can eat and still want more, you can enjoy with beverages and fruits, there is no exceptions to it.

Anthony Emmanuel Network

Published by
Anthony Emmanuel Network

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