Why Individual’s Search for Peace of Mind Differs amid Self-fulfillment

Peace of mind is essential element of existence everyone at some point in life crave to have that mental serenity coupled with internal joy borne out of self-fulfillment. It is the apex of self-fulfillment, it creates a small world of your own, where your mind form alliance with every other things around you and create perfect world for you. It comes with realisation that, for you to function properly and be at your best, you need that moment of clarity that will get you through the rain, it is not always about the good days, but the approach and the state of mind to get through rough time will be the difference. There is no general rule to peace of mind that’s why individual’s yawning for it differs in search of self-fulfillment.

What someone sees as peace of mind, another will view it differently and vice versa, it can go on like that. There is individual pursuit for peace of mind and couple pursuit for peace of mind. Individual’s search for peace of mind is always one way traffic. It creates template in which it can be achieved, it is a journey on its own, one may find peace of mind when he decides to hang out with friends, have enough fun and take pictures and probably post it on social media to reach the threshold of the fun. Some who are always at the mercy of other people’s validation, will anticipate pleasant comments from people to feel confident in their beauty. While another will probably hang out alone, connect with nature and have self-fulfillment through that without necessarily publicising it, that’s why it differs but with one main goal.

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Couple’s peace of mind is more complex, this is because it requires collective awareness to get to that point. With prior individual work on emotional intelligence, financial consciousness and social interests. They form the basis for collective peace of mind. It involves every day communication to get to that level, leave no ceiling for improvement, such process is dynamic it keeps on growing. It gives you the chance to look at each other and decides where the peace of mind resides, it brings clarity to individual feelings and merge it together to form one definite unite to anchor the serenity of the mind, in this situation everyone’s feeling is important and serenity of the mind is achieved through compromise.

The bottom line is that peace of mind is highly significant for everyone, it is the highest commodity sought-after, it brings you to a place that makes you feel anew in way you had always wanted to feel, it connects the wrong and right moments in your life, sieve it and give you the refined product you desire to achieve. You have to feel comfortable inside for you to be able to manifest the serenity of mind and applies to your life. It is about you, you might desire to have everything you see in someone and assumed that they are happy with all the entitlements, you can never really tell until you see yourself in that position and then you will be in the better position to make any kind of assertion.

Chukwuebuka Ogbu


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