Who Are Losing Their Jobs In Africa

It has been hard for businesses generally, especially young businesses who are looking for stronghold, the pandemic has been largely unfair to them, years of development and growth into what they have become, has proven to be an effort thrown inside the bin. In Africa where young people are driving their passion towards innovation, with creative minds have been slowed due to the unavailability of resources and the hectic competition in the labour market without a platform for them to grow into their areas of endeavors, young entrepreneurs are losing out on what could be breakthrough in their journey to contribute to humanity.

Those businesses in Africa who have been in the system for long, often exercise the desire to dominate and have monopoly over a particular product, without giving room for any kind of serious competition in the system, and when this desire for young people to come up with new initiative to drive sales towards such product the atmosphere killed off their enthusiasm and keep them captive without new findings to aid humanity. And the governments are not responsible enough to provide enabling environment for homemade products which will lead to sustainability in Africa, but would rather patronize foreign products at high cost.

Coup in Africa: failed democracy in Africa

People are losing out on their jobs and it has continued to push people backward, in Africa average family struggle to pay school fees for pupils in elementary schools and older ones who have vision by way of enrolling into universities are pushed to take up menial jobs to supplement to the family earnings. Such dangerous situations in Africa have pushed people to the extreme, especially when there is no likelihood of hope from within or from the governments, they resort to making fake products and selling it to the poor masses, since there is high distinction of class in Africa, people at the top are not affected and could barely look at the situation properly.

The high rate of unemployment and people losing out on their jobs in Africa are heading into dangerous direction, businesses are folding every day, because there is no sufficient capital to keep it up and running, workers in the government sectors have refused to retire because there is no proper scheme for pensions for civil servant when they retire, they resort to producing fake bio data to keep them at the job. This has created an avenue for mass destruction in the system, it is gradually turning into the survival of the fittest which will be totally unhealthy for the system.    

Anthony Emmanuel Network

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