African politicians
The system of administration in Africa is getting worse everyday, and when things are not moving forward and should be the way it supposed to be, some people become responsible for this, and politicians are not far from the blame, their management have completed left the continent in quagmire.
Africa is blessed with natural and mineral resources, but lack of management, insincerity, selfishness and unending insatiable desires to enrich oneself is what caused the continent to be ten steps backwards, while the economy is crawling.
It is understood that during elections in Africa, your potentials don’t count, the winner is the one who rigs more than the other, the political system have become something of joke, politicians do as they please, political promises are mere talk, just smokescreen to disguise the fact that they have absolutely nothing to offer, rather eager to embezzle.
When you failed to develop your own country as elder statesmen, you expect something very close to meltdown, they say evil prevails when good men do nothing, now even so-called good men can easily bought, they are all literally in the league of hawk, depriving citizenry the livelihoods they deserve.
Africa is in the state where politicians care less about the citizens, too many promises nothing to show for it, the system is run under the shackles of maladministration the dreams of little children are shattered on daily basis, no platform for ease.
They have to take it upon themselves if they are dedicated in rebuilding Africa, it is a collective efforts, when you come out to compete in a position such as the office of the president, the least expected from you is mistake, there is no room for mistakes whatsoever, the position is very delicate a little mistake can affect the whole nation.
Some politicians were after the money, how much they are going to loot and embezzlement of public funds, to their own selfish motives, no supervision of government contracts, road and bridges are built on low quality materials, this continent need total upheaval from the root, to rebuild again, that is going to be a step forward to the greatness.
Lack of unity, spread venom all over Africa, the heat sweltering with hate and despair, when there is tension in African countries, their counterparts care less about what is happening in other country, Africa politicians should be quick to react when they sense any form of disorder, and distance themselves from biasness or something that will cause the lives of people, spread love, love is greater than hate.
Africa have a system that begs you to become corrupt, that’s the irony of everything, until you change nothing is going to work, if African leaders are responsible ones which they aren’t, the system would have advanced, the problem of backwardness is alarming, bringing naive people into the political system. Many people have been denied the opportunity to have formal education, not that Africa can’t run free education, they have what it takes, but nobody wants do that, they want to loot one after the other, taking turns to savage the continent.
What happened in Mali is the highest form of insanity, when there is lay down procedures, you shouldn’t go outside this circle, if people think that president of Mali is not doing well, it is the duty of the parliament to impeach him, moreover they have constitutional means of removing and installing new head, why then military juntas, African leaders should take it upon themselves to make African continent great again
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