Life is a journey that you don’t know when the end will come, your dream is like a plant you grow it everyday with the, necessary tools around you, so be a dream chaser.

You have been exposed to the environment, that is the first contact you’re going to have outside your family, having seen everything, what do you want for yourself, are you ready to sacrifice who you are for who you will become, that should be the first question you ask yourself.

Be focused in life, work towards what you want for yourself, but remember it is not going to be easy task, accept it as hard it is going to be, embrace the hustle and grind your way to the top.

Many have dreamed of good life, but at some point in their life, they derailed from the track, they allowed the enjoyment of life to get over them, they sacrificed their dreams for one day merriment, that’s why they live life of regret, so don’t be victim of such circumstances, build your roots, if your roots are strong, it will be hard for them to break you.

Work on yourself, do some work on yourself, build a strong mentality, have fighter’s mentality don’t quit, achieve that dream, the dream that have been cause of your late nights and early mornings.

Embrace the unfair treatment of life, but don’t allow it weigh you down, draw from your suffering allow it to push you closer to your life, that life you dreamed of living, continue grinding you can’t tell how close you’re to your dream.

You need to discover yourself, step outside your comfort, you’re not going to achieve something if you don’t leave your comfort zone, because it is always going to be comfort their, you won’t know how hard it is outside their.

Be brave to take a step, a lot of things might draw you back, but don’t succumb, always know where you’re going, don’t let it interfer with where you’re not going to.

Be a goal setter, have goals and work hard to get it done, your daily goals, weekly goals, monthly goals, yearly goals and life goals all these sum your dream and give you exactly what you want for yourself.

Don’t be soft, life is never soft you have to give it how it is, don’t be afraid because there is nothing to be scared of, you got all it takes to realize your dream.

Your dream is very important always remember that, never put others above your dreams, you owe life and yourself the priority to be achiever.

Sometimes if feels like life is really hitting you hard, but always going to stay positive and keep pushing, that’s all that matters, your head up and continue with the grind.