This has always been the case, teenage years come with vulnerability, unrefined and often lost one’s own identity just to get validated from the society, and this seeking of validation is placed in a thin line between finding yourself and losing yourself completely. The positive thing about this stage, is its openness, seeing things the way it is without giving it a different interpretation, it helps you to figure out who you actually are, and the kind of energy and people you need to keep around to help you go through this stage without being trapped with societal validation even when the path is all jeopardy to yourself. The vulnerability is always going to be there in the teenage stage but through your purpose you will see through the lens of life and live it up.
Childhood, a preliminary stage to teenager years, is really important. It is like a transition to certain point and observation to another, that traditional childhood is fast going into extinction, the digital childhood is already installed to replace it, where kids spent a big portion of their playing time watching videos on YouTube and connecting through the internet to play games, and very eager to discuss their prowess and exploits, all these revolve around their dominated topics every single day and they grow into certain stages not minding the other side of life, which is going to exploit their vulnerability at their own detriment.
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It is now about competition, that’s how teenagers see it, there is so much emphasis on performance. While from 8 to 14 years, should spend time with other kids doing school work, building relationships and learning how to be polite and honest in conversations, building their social and emotional being, they are quick now to have social media accounts where most of things they see there, they feed their minds with, which goes on to harness their vulnerability leaving them destabilized and confused, and their transition from teenage stage to adulthood has already characterized with social and emotional wounds.
They need total breeding and conversations which will lay down smooth transition from teenage stage to adulthood without seeking validation on social media where people focus on appearance and number of “likes” which very often for teenage girls expose their sensitive parts just to be called “sexy” while teenage boys prioritize designer wears just to be verified, the social media validation which has continue to be constant threat to healthy society has created low confidence and constant vulnerability to teenagers especially preparing themselves to adulthood.