United Nations An Institution That Has Outlived Its Relevance?

The United Nations is the world’s most popular inter-governmental organization, the charter establishing this organization was signed in San Francisco, and also headquartered, in US. The rationale behind the establishment of UN is to promote international peace, security and harmonious coexistence among its members. This organization made up of different governmental bodies, with various representatives representing their countries in different governmental bodies.

This came into existence at the end of World War II, with wide representatives, to strengthen its scope and vision. Recently it seems like this powerful organization has outlived it relevance, in respect with happenings, inspired by tussle to become world power, forming allies and neglect of poorer nations. And the situation keeps on deteriorating, savaging the true vision in which it was formed, the center has loosened and the subordinates are out of control.

The fallout with China and United States, under the administration of Donald Trump belittles United Nations, it was drag to the bottom during its Annual General Assembly, which was held last year virtually due to the effect of the pandemic. And the treatment of Uighur Muslims in China, your personal judgment or independent judgement should not form the popular opinion, people should be respected and allow to coexist peacefully.

Threat to democracy

A threat to democracy witnessed on 6th January, to US democratic institutions posed a great concern to United Nations. It is far more important issue to discuss, it is equivalent to coup, which is not in conformity with the modus operandi of UN. This is a certain area where United Nations could have been more vocal, and preserve people’s government.

The activeness of UN is quite diminishing, to witness military coup in this current day and time is archaic and such practice that has been totally abrogated, but it did happen in Mali, continue violence of human right in this part of the world, Africa, should be a big concern for United Nations, this is one of the yardsticks in measuring it activities and efficiency, inalienable right ought to be protected at all cost.

It feels like the world is silence to particular issues and a bit vocal to another issues. The high presence of marginalization in Nigeria, is something that has integrated into anarchy, where certain people detect the lives of people and project the outcome, without any adherence to the constitution. The herdsmen killings, destroying people’s farm land and banditry, all move around freely without any proper action taken against them, while the well-meaning citizens are harassed and apprehended on different basics.

The unity of the world is at stake, the division is so obvious, and the direction it is heading to is a dangerous one. United Nations should assume the role and express unbiased dealings in all its affairs, this is not about political appointments, this is about keeping people safe and preserving their right irrespective of the outcome.

Anthony Emmanuel Network

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