Ukraine-Russia crisis, there have been intense moments surrounding the buildup, on what could determine where the country go from now and severing of ties between Vladimir Putin and the West. The height of this crisis can be traced back to 2014, that was the early time of Russo-Ukrainian War, where Russia made their demands known, to be able to contain them with Ukraine, NATO and alleged western influence on the Eastern Europe. President Putin has argued that Ukraine cannot identify with any history, as it was largely on Russia attachment that they could be able to hold onto something.

Ukraine is a country located at the Eastern Europe, share borders located at the east and north-east with Russia. On course for recognition, a movement known as Ukrainian national movement for self-determination was established, and globally recognized Ukrainian People’s Republic which was declared on 23 June 1917. They later regained its independence in 1991 following the split of the Soviet Union. Ever since then, there have been interference from Russia, and the Ukrainian government is counting on anyone who is going to come at the aid of the country, in this crucial time and has expressed that they will not back down from any kind of pressure from anyone, as the buildup of Russian military to invade through the east has increased in activity.

Russia having annexed Crimea, started mass thousands of military personnel around it border with Ukraine, this hyped the crisis and possible invasion of the country by Russia, late last year the buildup to invade Ukraine became very intense as thousands of Russian soldiers were seen at the border the two countries share together. Now many countries believe that this time invasion of Ukraine may be very imminent, as Putin has showed the desire to do so if his demands to quench the invasion were not met.

Russia has two draft treaties that will ensure security guarantee, which includes Ukraine declining from joining NATO[ North Atlantic Treaty Organization], which will see the organization withdrawing their troops and military hardware stationed in Eastern Europe, members of NATO have rejected this call and had threatened economic sanctions if the Putin-led government acted in a manner that will led to invasion, which seems like they are on the verge of doing it, the question now is can the west stop Putin from invading Ukraine and could Ukraine be the battleground for resolution, the country will be looking forward to seeing who the real allies are.

It is really a battleground for resolution, who is with Ukraine in this time, is going to count for them. President Putin will definitely put it beyond invasion of Ukraine to daring western bloc to impose their sanctions. This is really power struggle that Ukraine is somehow an end to achieve whatever means, hugely relying on the west to scare Putin away, is a dangerous game which Ukraine might end up not containing with when it reaches the climax, this is beyond sanctions as China already formed formidable ally with Russia, it is about who has what it takes to protect Ukraine from the impending invasion.   


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