What arguable most people have termed the best of time of the year comes with lots of merriment, being the time of holiday create time for people to live it up to its fullest potential. Christmas hugely Christian’s season, celebration of Christmas in Africa embraces all aspects of Christianity on this course people extend an arm length inviting and making sure people around them have enough to eat, outside the Christian circle, Christmas is that time theatres, stadia and halls are busy with different concerts.

Religious African families try to embrace the season with its traditional meaning, while go outside of that scope to add spice to make it more social. In most African countries it is about travelling from urban areas to rural areas, where the season can be embracing properly, it is often coming like this, if you don’t have to stay in town to celebrate Christmas, you can go to villages where many wealthy people will have something to eat for people who can’t afford to live up the Christmas, with that they can feel belong.

Christmas in isolation

Just like in European countries, but unlike in African countries, children don’t really fancy the idea of going to see Sant Cruz and have children Christmas celebration, they entangled themselves with the adults, and prefer to watch masquerades, this is very common with children in rural residence, they trade Sant Cruz with masquerades anytime and find extreme happiness when they are actively involved. While not fully boycotting Christian Christmas in Africa, social life become almost impossible while adults pounce on many pints of beer as possible children enjoy beverages as they are forbidden to have taste of beer.

Once the month of December arrives, the season is already in the air. Shop owner have started making Christmas decoration, twinkling lights even in the main city of most countries, government owned enterprises are not excluded, they are quick to wish Christians beloved merry Christmas and joyful celebration. Children rally around big uncles for Christmas gifts, but comes in different ways, it could be money or presents, they embrace whatever form it comes, once they join other children to have proper Christmas celebration, children fiercely frown at any adult who don’t give them anything, and often give them funny names to ridicule them.

It is fast and memorable season, wealthy African families fancy Christmas trees and decorations, to spice up the celebration. Each family must have something for Christmas celebration, the Christmas day comes with huge expectations with so much to eat and drink, while adults are having their usual conversation, children show off their toys and quick to give to their mothers anybody give to them, as to keep it for them and they demand for it, it could not be retrieved, Christmas live up to its fullest potential in Africa.