There is nothing wrong with your strategy the problem is inconsistency.

It is not all about changing your strategies, nothing is wrong with your strategy, it is consistency, how you’re able to maintain the tempo and keep it at a very high drive.

No need of changing to different jobs. Your job is not the problem, find something that works for you, you can try hundreds jobs or careers still, if you do not fix the main frame, you have not done anything new.

People switch to multiple strategies, in the same job but wonder why they have not seen any sign of improvement, still the same problem, you need to fix the main frame, that is consistency, unless that nothing will work.

You don’t have to hate your job or bring negativity around your job, these things can draw you ten steps backward, if you hate your job, the development curve will have nothing to show.

Continue with your strategy, make plans, press towards your destination. So many things, is going to distract you, but you have to get ready to deal with it, if you’re strong-minded you will over come it.

There is no magic, consistency drive people forward, so find the energy source that works for you. Your strategy is perfect, but to be at the top you need to apply consistency.

Not like you will do it today and forget tommorow, if you know what is driving you and your roots are strong, then it is perfect situation to execute and grind your way to the top.

Give your job the best energy, you waste your energy on something that not really worth it, stop giving away your energy, energy is costly.

If you really want to be at the top, you need to dig deep. It is not going to be lukewarmish, you need to show the enthusiasm and eager and hunger to be at the top, it is easy to reach at the top, but more difficult to stay there, that’s where you apply consistency, not only that you need to stay humble and hungry, even at the top.