How Darnella Frazier Saved The World In Nine Minutes

Darnella Frazier was a teenager 17, when she recorded the last moments of George Floyd, but now 18. The notoriety of United States police brutality seems like a fairytale until the death of George Floyd overt the dreaded system which black people have been unlawfully killed “lynched”. To sum up the courage to record that moment, while walking with her cousin shows the system is built on fragile surface, she was determined to see change and the nine minutes video inspired.

There is no doubt the systematic racism in America, the absence of egalitarian society keeps deteriorating the chance of unity. Black people in America, even around the world go through similar experience but since there is no prove to complement the assertion, it fades away, just matter of tme until Darnella Frazier showed the world man inhumanity to man, society devoid of everything moral and character.

It is time for change, the world needed to see it, there is no other bigger picture than this, in its holistic view, the nine minutes video serve as justice, to an unjust system. It caused widespread of protests around the world, despite the havoc Covid-19 is causing at that time, people who took it upon themselves never relented in showing the shortcomings of weak system, surrounded by sentimental people.

The rationale behind Black Lives Matter

It could have been another death covered and secreted, but for George Floyd situation, there is no escape plan, the minutes show white officer, Derek Chauvin knelt on George Floyd neck and he was screaming “please, please, please I can’t breathe”, before the ambulance could get there, he was already motionless and he was pronounced dead an hour later. The mental effect it could have on Darnella, recording such barbaric moments at that age, is mental threatening and such kind of experience will traumatize her for a very long time, it will take processes for her to heal the wound.

Injustice to one, is injustice to all. It is a landmark judgement for the people, the world and every justice system which strives on mere sentiment. People needed that relief, to see the officer handed over 22 years jail term and, was told to register as predatory offender and was barred from owing firearms for life and the three other officers were separately charged with violating George Floyd’s civil rights.

Nothing can quantify the harm it caused George Floyd’s family; it is highest pain you can inflict on one’s family. But it is one step to healing process. During the sentencing his brother, Terrence Floyd demanded the maximum available, a sentence of 40 years. “Why? What were you thinking? What was going through your head when you had your knee on my brother’s neck?” he said.

Floyd’s daughter Gianna, appeared in a video recording, a girl aged seven, saying she missed him and she loved him. “I ask about him all the time. My daddy always used to help me brush my teeth.

Darnella Frazier bravery is something Minneapolis, America and the world will never forget, it is a situation that will forever hunt racism and racial segregation. Her courage has earned her, Pulitzer Prize, the most prestigious award in American journalism. It is a healing day; the experience could be now put behind.

Chukwuebuka Ogbu


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