The Tale of Modern-day Relationships and its Individual Peculiarities

Relationships have evolved over the time, the discourse has transcended into individual peculiarities in finding ‘your other half’ practically it has become between individuals involved at the exclusion of any other person. The essential ingredients of modern day relationships create interdependence of emotions, alliance, trust, fidelity and companionship. So many people in relationships are bereft of these ingredients, they are moved with aesthetics, which can be misleading most times, as opposed to content of character,  which defines boundaries, security and longevity of the relationship. These are the fundamental basis that determine how the relationship thrive off pressure.

It is established that individual peculiarities dominate the atmosphere when one wants to choose a partner, or want to go into relationship. People have different taste in choosing partners, but there are key factors that cannot be disputed, which are the foundation of every healthy relationships. Interdependency of emotions are high on that list. It creates a meeting point between you and your partner, connection that spark out of mutual respect, love and understanding, it gives couples the free will to take care of other endeavours in their lives, without necessarily preoccupied and over saturated by their relationship. People’s reactions to emotional feelings differs that’s why prioritizing emotional well being top the list of modern day relationships.

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Forming alliance in relationships create everlasting bond in relationships, it means that couples are always in the same page in making decisions, even when opinions differ on number of issues, after much deliberation on that, there is always consensus on the best action to take. It is an improved aspect of modern day relationships. When a partner is not briefed on pending decisions that revolves around their relationships, it simply means that such partner’s stake in the relationship is limited, it doesn’t show good sign for healthy relationships. To be committed in a relationships create form of alliance in approaching issues, it breeds teams work and collective decisions to overcome an obstacle going forward.

Some people find it very difficult that, people still talk about privacy in marriages, relying on the doctrinal approach of one soul in two bodies. Once elements of love are present in a marriage, the question of privacy will not arise. The partner who is asking for privacy to be maintained, might be creating disconnection from the other partner. A space can be shared between couples for years without question of privacy arising. Couples who learn to live maintaining separate entity prior to marriage, without attacking other’s emotions have added extra ingredients to their marriage. When you live maintaining privacy without knowing you’re doing so, ignites the bonds and even further seek for intimacy, the case is opposite when it is pugnaciously asked to be maintained, especially for young couples.

Couples should be very intentional of what they want in a relationship and what it takes to keep the fire burning. How to handle financial aspect of it, where it is channelled, having this issues sorted in all fairness, makes headway for the relationship. The topic around having children and the number of children agreed by the couples, this continuous conversations unlock every deadlock in relationships. Modern day crop of relationships ignore the foundational conversations that need meeting of minds for healthy relationships and focus on outer aspects of relationships, which contributes lesser degree of healthy relationship. While you’re out looking for a life partner, you should be able to see the reflection of such person in you, you can rightly say this is myself in another body.

Chukwuebuka Ogbu


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