One can never estimate the level of one’s ability, as life come from different angle to hit. You have to live and fulfill the cause which you were born, and live up to it. The struggle in life never seem easy it is a ryhthm one must use to make the struggle less frustrating.
First, is to be able to find the reason, why you have come to be, your purpose and the role which you are expected to play. When you understand all these, you have to prepare for the long walk, which can take expensive time to reach the milestone, it is like a trial, not all is going to be there to see the mammoth achievement, one has sacrificed to see a mightier future.
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Make the struggle a dream which must come through, and to be able at any moment to sacrifice who you are for who you are going to become, it takes a very discipline person a greater height to live up to the dream one has set. Live like your life depend on the struggle, you don’t have to linger for the long walk, is not yet ended.
Life is full of inconveniences, you should learn to get better and adjust to it, keep believing in yourself, no one else can believe in you more than yourself, stay calm and keep pushing, because the struggle is far from it end.
Remember nothing good comes from comfort zone, you need move away from your comfort and see what you can achieve outside there, it is best way to test yourself, once you found your ground here, you can achieve a lot.
Everyone has a terrible part of the story to tell, adjust with the inconveniences, it is part of it, without failure, success cannot come, don’t be afraid to fail, when you fail learn tk fight back.