Adolescence stage comes with a lot of energy to deal with certain society cravings but very delicate due to fragile nature of that particular time, these traits teens possessed are widespread can either make or mar teen’s career into adulthood and how it goes on from there. It comes from a lot of transformation, from being taken care of basically to taking responsibility of societal influence and handling the pressure overly. Now, there is mood swings, cravings for societal acceptance and adventurous life, all these in one head despite not thinking the futuristic repercussion, to make up the fragile nature of adolescence stage which plays a role in going forward and the march into adulthood.

Hard to cope with it, it can come in a way of confusion self-discovery and trying to figure things out, academic performance is at the forefront of it, teens with high hope of getting into prestigious universities often measure that parameter from their college or high school grades, while grades in school are far from success in life, it can be a push factor to reach particular potential or target creating opportunity for prospective employment in the future, it is a lot of pressure to digest but good one when it is turn to positives.

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Teenagers are easily triggered with trends thinking less on how such trends will shape their professional career and mindset, at the time where punches are thrown out it can weaken or make strength out of it. Parents setting the atmosphere for them to integrate from the years of childhood to adolescence will give that sense of taking ownership while teachers create intense healthy competition within school circle, they tend to understand building the basics of success through their performance, and applying it in wider society especially outside their homes to form societal compatibility, teenage years can be a time of huge intellectual growth, but also, intense academic pressure.

Teens often feel misunderstood, either they feel like their parents do not understand them or their teachers are very harsh to them. Talking about living their dreams and prioritizing it as opposed to the educational line career their parents have been pushing them, it comes with emotional pressure not to believe in their dream, it can be dangerous to mock and ridicule teen’s dream while seeking validation, it will make them to become more rebellious and pushing at all cost to prove themselves, it will become words against words.

Teens prefer to seek approval from their parents rather than being independence, parents have a role of watching closely of their teens behaviors and how they cope with extreme societal challenges. Bullying and body-shaming can take a deep toll in a teen’s confidence and his mental health will be threatened in such situation. It is developing situation and regulating emotional and physical reactions can play a vital role, teenagers’ vulnerability to risk can turn to potential pace-setters and grow more into that space to impose themselves without shying away from challenges.

As fragile adolescence stage can be it comes with difficult all round in trying to impose yourself on the things that teens feel like it is of importance in their lives, it is also time of creativity, joy and freedom. Being able to embrace change and transition to what you used to be and what you are now and where you heading in life career-wise. Discipline is very important, just like a teen who over-socialize and found himself oversaturated with demands from parents to curtail those partying to embrace the rudiments aspects of his life, without being derogatory about it.


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