The Scientific Effect of Learning from Experiences in Life

Your every day activities in life is a blueprint to continue to develop yourself to adapt to the realities of life, it creates proper learning curve scientifically to navigate through the basis that will propel you with requisite tool to solve the puzzle. Mistakes are lessons learnt but some mistakes are grievous that, it goes to the root of your existence. Experiences they said are the best teachers, it is such lessons that come from place of pain, the desire to bounce back and make up for the losses resonates from such circumstances. Experiences in life evolve and inform you from that particular scenario, your growth from that occurrence will give you the template for your next endeavour in life.

When you go through certain experiences in life, it forms the basis decisions in life, sometimes people make decisions in life, and years or decades later they clamour about such decisions, mourned that if they had known what they know now, it would have become a different outcome in life. When you go through rough patches in life and come out victorious, it forms the basis of that chapter of your life, and evolved you scientifically to understand and appreciate your systematic growth moving forward. It is something that you will take and apply to your life, from there on you build on that foundation to triumph.

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You don’t have to wait to go through ugly  experience in your life, before you learn from that experience. Being a good observer makes a good listener than a talker, the most affected leaders have closed your their mouths and have their eyes wide opened to embrace such experience without applying it to yourself. That’s why hanging around experienced professionals in any field of study provide you with the requisite insight to navigate through difficult times. It becomes an information you rely on to form the ground you’re standing, when you take the experiences of seasoned professionals and apply it with your already gained knowledge, it becomes unbeatable combination of success.

Be willing to learn from everyone, don’t segregate in terms of learning and select who you want to listen and who you don’t want to listen. When such thing occurs it only places limitations to an extent you can go in life. Learning from people from different walks of life help you to be able to navigate through hard times, it informs your decision making and encourage creativity in thinking. You don’t necessarily have to take everything said, what it does is silting of facts, you will be able to know what applies to particular experience you’re going through in life, from there it has scientifically propel your growth in search of solutions to any particular steps you have taken in life.

Community of friends and connections among peers and even beyond have strengthened the scope of approaching challenges in your life, where people share their experiences to different problems they have encountered and come out good in life. This has proven to be scientific effect of learning from people’s challenges in life, when you pay attention to the nuances and use it to improve your purpose in life as opposed to falling into deep trap without any escape route.

Chukwuebuka Ogbu


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