Parents are essentially the head of the family, and they hold the responsibility of taking care of the family in whatsoever aspects, to ensure total well-being and state of mind. This is the first people that the kids look up to in everything they are doing, in as much as they play important role in financial aspect of it, they hold themselves the task of being a role model to their kids.

Family is not something you can jump into and come out anytime you want, because children are going to suffer it the most, they need both the parents in growing up, it is parents’ responsibility to satisfy their children’s curiosity, a lot of questions must be asked.

Family is the first stage parents take up the responsibility of being guidance and preparing the children to the greater tasks ahead, training them for what awaits them in the society, shaping their lives and help them in building confidence.

Family is very delicate, an error or mistake can shatter the years of tremendous hard work, to go into family, you need to be at the right state of mind, don’t feel pressured from parents, peer groups, or age, it is a gradual process, wait till you’re ready.

They say ‘to be a father is not a day job’ to accept natural role of being a father, you have hang a bunch of problems in your back, which you will be solving one after the other, you’re going to be spiritual director, mentor and someone they aspire to be like.

If you’re ready to go this far in nurturing your kids, one day you will be a proud father, but it is not that easy, one never stops learning it is continuous process, no matter the heights you achieved in life.

Society needs parents, they are the piler of the society, they educate in whatever aspect of endeavors, they stand to deliver in so many ways, giving the society a good product to uphold and serve the values of good and people of high integrity.

Parents have high hopes for their children, but you can’t achieve that if you feel nonchalant in what involve to help them achieve success, as parents you need to be fully involved in what is happening in your kids lives, just like Robinson Crusoe and Friday in Daniel Defoe’s Robinson Crusoe.

You can’t stand to distance yourself from your children and expect to be where you wanted them to be, when you barely play any part to help to achieve their dreams, parents have more parts to play in raising a child.

One day these children are going to enter the real world, and if they lack any clue on how these things are being run, they might get lost in the middle of everything, prepare them to face up the tasks ahead of them, and the ruthless nature of the society.

Parents have a gigantic role to play, both in family and society, bringing in and raising well mannered children in the family, teaching them good morals, then preparing them for life outside their comfort zone, the place where only people who fight and have patience like lions can survive.