The greatest peace one can have come from within, you don’t need to seek it from somewhere else. Self-motivation is very important, it is the livewire of your drive, that which drive your passion and make you go for it, the only you can make it, is to build on it. Your inner peace is very important, it is your sanity don’t joke with that.

Build comfortability and self-fulfillment around you, don’t seek it elsewhere, you have to start moving yourself internally, that is your peace and motivation. You have problem when you dwell on eternal factors to get yourself going, that is how indispensable your internal motivation and inner peace is, it is the foundation you build your dreams.

Don’t seek to be someone else, you can’t have it all but you can strive to acquire the rudiments of life and live your dreams if you stay true to yourself and the struggle which define you. Give the struggle meaning, allow it to flow from within, allow it to press from within, unless that you will find it difficult to work with peace and happiness, even when the struggle demands you.

Fight your fight

Inner peace, is the key which unlock your city. With that you don’t need to seek unnecessary attention and crave for people to recognize you. With that you are at your full potential even when you go through some hard stuff, you can still get over it because the source of inspiration flows from within, it comes from a place where it matters the most.

Start moving yourself internally, peace of mind is a treasure you can’t trade it with anything else, it is priceless. Allow it to take to the next level, stop chasing shadows when you have all it takes to make a difference and inspire the society, you can find that which is missing and complement the ones you have and skyrocket yourself to the top.