Photo Credit: Healthline
Turning airplane mode to all the apps in your phone and subscribing to every aspect of your life to data mode, could be the next step to get control and in charge of your life, a good number of the world’s population spend a lot of time with their phones, subscribing to different apps and updating at the same time, transferring such energy and time to subscribing and updating every part of your life, will give you chance to understand and be in charge of your life, without necessarily being controlled by external pressure. People are constantly checking their phones far more than they are paying attention to their health, relationships and finance, they are eagerly entrapped in this web, that they struggle to escape, it becomes necessary for them to unsubscribe from such atmosphere.
You should learn to do away with anything that is a threat to your progressive growth, when you start looking for happiness outside, you have already lost your entire being, whatever you do in life, the bottom line is sustained happiness, as long as you don’t encroach on another’s space. You can start listening to yourself, that all round growth that will snowball you into your desired destination, it doesn’t work in vacuum, it needs every aspect of your life to make a whole. It gives you chance to re-evaluate and come up with refined ideas that will offer sustained solutions to your vision in life and better path to your journey in life. You need moment of clarity to process everything that has been going on in your life, looking yourself inwardly bring the best version of your being.
Taking hold of the future means the ability to assert yourself and understand every detail behind it, you can’t follow every trend sheepishly just because your friends are enjoying it and having fun doesn’t necessarily mean you should do the same, you need to have proper evaluation of how it tends to shape your life and give you direction. Building your future entails subscribing to every aspect of your being, that’s what makes the growth organic and give it direction in life, imagine when every part of yourself is at its best, it then provides moment of clarity, knowing you’re carrying generations behind your back and pass the message across. You have to take back your time, focus and direction don’t leave it outside.
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Being actively present in your life will glorify the future, you can only get from yourself what you demand of it, you can’t be surviving on mediocre when you can move yourself and transcend to better space in your life. When you want something you have to make the sacrifices to get there and be in that position, it is always going to worth it. You just have to dismantle the current chaos unsettling your peace of mind and long for sustained happiness, where you thrive and be at very stable atmosphere in your life, without keeping your mind running from pillar to post, which is chaotic for your stability in life.
Making such important shift in your life provides you with stronghold, by unsubscribing to the crowd rules, trends and societal pressure to subscribing to your guts, relationships and spending habits. This provides you with certainty of making life time decisions rather than living your life base on the status quo. Young people struggle to leave their phones behind even at such moment that doesn’t demand it, they fall into that trap of their phones controlling them, instead of the other way round. Creating quiet moment for yourself can mean leaving your phone behind, take control of those apps in your phone and create limit.
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