Categories: LIFE TALK

The Need To Embrace The Service of Humanity

I suppose the topic could have been more elaborated in a way that the message should strongly possess the inner value of it true meaning. What happened recently or what have been happening world wide, is a case of lack of what it takes to be a complete human, majority of people aren’t complete human being. You live to marginalize others, another look of it, the widespread of racial abuse in sports and other endeavor where similar crime will be prevailing, but no much attention have been paid to it or action to curtail the crime. This is the time service of humanity is needed to be embrace greatly, to encourage people and and keep them mentally sane to focus on what they are doing, not to be distracted by awful commenta coming from force that is against humanity, put steadfastness conquer your problem and conquer yourself. Humanity cannot have its stronghold without humans, they work simultaneously, without one, the other cannot function. There is need to reach out to millions of people, promote values among people, let them share the thoughts of selflessness. Many have less opportunity, the need to go into, remote areas where people needed the service of humanity to strive, fate have play on them. One should implore in promoting humanity, giving out the information that are going to serve as a true factor to future generations, with that the legacy to embrace the service of humanity.

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It is an act of selfless work, aiding humanity in any way you know, you can, there is a certain pleasure that comes out of it, not everyone gets the chance, it is a privilege. Many giant obstacles install to slow the development of human kind, we should be able to put humanity first, despite our heterogeneity. It is saddening that many barriers are used against humanity, whether your colour, religion and belief we all came from one human race, and we should be able at any moment to put people first before all these, it is a way of providing a healthy service to humanity. Countless of people are homeless because of war and natural disasters, such people need attention don’t make them feel abandoned, reach out anyway you can, it promote spirit of unity, embrace the service of humanity if you truly care about other people’s feeling. You can’t really judge people until you are in the same position as they are. No matter what the circumstances today, it should not deter us from the cause we believe to be just.

Anthony Emmanuel Network

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