The second year the universe has to subject themselves under some measures to curtail the spread of pandemic during Christmas season what would be the one of the busiest seasons of the year, hugely characterized by travels to broaden the scope of relationships with loved ones. The new coronavirus variant, Omicron has caused major uproar as it has pushed the fight against the pandemic backward, many countries are reintroducing the measures again to contain the spread of the new variant and provide safety for citizens during this festive season.

This is time of the year where relationships are strengthened, coming together to spend quality time often time it involves travels to another place, mostly romantic places to spice up the season, but this year a lot of flights have been cancelled to guarantee safety and curtail the spread of the pandemic. Social aspect of Christmas is highly exploited to get the feeling rolling, couples who have been away from each other for long time, during holidays make up for the time they were away from each other, relatives use the season to broaden family ties and get to share stories which will foster bond and create special atmosphere.

Love words for desolated Christmas

The fight against the pandemic with time get tougher, even where there is a bit of positivity around the fight, its negativity overshadows any chance of relieve. The issue of authenticity of the vaccine has been nurturing dichotomy as people have different opinion on issue of vaccine, experts have argued that people who refused to get vaccinated are big threat to the public and people around them. This has been the major trend of the year, looking at the safety and efforts to curtail social life while preventing the chance of the spread of the pandemic, the public are advice to take proper measure.

The time of the year where social life is highly inevitable, and where people are looking to spice up relationship bond, all the efforts revolve around the making of Christmas, relationships and pandemic, to provide safe atmosphere for people to have conducive celebration without fear of contracting virus. The public cannot accept any lockdown, in the time where economy is crawling the least solution is to reintroduced lockdown which provide little or no impact in the fight against the pandemic. The public are looking at the effective nature of vaccine how it tends to provide resistance against the pandemic and guarantee safe society.