The Hidden Truth About Royal Family

The relationship between Prince Harry and Meghan Merkle caused a lot of opinions on different spheres, which later lead to marriage. Prince was desperate to protect his family even if it costs stepping down as senior royals.

Their wedding was grand, that is when Duke and Duchess of Sussex widen and tighten their bond, which seems to be written over them, not all was good, Harry continues to severe a bond with the royals and establishing a formidable bond with Meghan.

When the couple announce their step back as working senior royals, it passes a lot of information. The bottom line is that who feels it has the best experience.  This is about family and the duty, and the two cannot coexist, one has to be forgone for the other to live.

Harry wants to protect and support his wife, when everything around them start to threaten their wellbeing it calls for drastic decision, which will eventually put things in the right positions. He was gradually separating himself from the club, he wants a family that he will be able to protect.

The whole scenario become a big burden for him to bear. Meghan was not proper integrated into royal family; it is not only Harry that is going to accept her. The atmosphere became very hostile, he moved out of UK, at some he feels like history was about to itself, and he has to stop it.

To live as royals come with dangerous decisions, putting the duty first and service, and any other obligations first, then family comes last, this is not what Harry was prepared for, he was ready to become an exception, dedicating his life to family and public.

His relationship with the royals might become as sour as anything, he has lived to expose the ills of royal family, which can cost you your sanity and drain all your energy.

Anthony Emmanuel Network

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