It is alarming how societal pressure keep increasing everyday, with teenagers not being left out. Society has placed so much emphasis in certain areas which push teens to do something they wouldn’t have seen themselves doing, but the societal pressure has made it possible.

Social media has played a great role in nurturing societal pressure, what you see everyday has it own impacts in your life, to live up to the standards become hard especially when you cannot afford the luxurious lifestyle, you resort to any possible means to get it.

Seeing someone on social media who you admire so much, or may be you want to be like them. You tend to behave the way the person does, you assumed the character of such person as a role model in many ways, just to satisfy your confidence.

Notwithstanding, there is a deep aspect of one’s life you neglect, not only that you neglect it, you wouldn’t want to see that part, unfortunately, it is the most important part, the part that puts him in the limelight, but you’re focusing on shadow instead of the substance, you allow what you see to rule over yourself.

Teenagers find it very hard, to be their real selves. There are physically and emotionally attraction to something and allow it rule over themselves, when they can’t achieve that purpose, they become totally clueless on how to rebuild the life they have lost, giving room for societal pressure to drive their passions, instead of allowing their pain to take them to next level, they dwell on outer sketch.

It is unfortunate, that teens don’t open up to the challenges they face in life. They would rather drown in the ocean than tell you what the problem is all about. They have find confidence in their flaws, and they have lean to the points where mistakes and societal pressure rule over them, and it is draining.

No one prepares them for the task ahead, when they grow up their relationships become a mess. It is better to teach them reality and prepare them for the kind of challenges they are going to face in the future, it will do them a whole lot of good.

They feel pressured to make money, when they see someone as the same age theirs, flaunting riches online, it becomes an obsession for them. They go into cybercrime and swindling activities to get what they want, just to thrive off the societal pressure, they believe in what they see rather than true intent of what a man should be and what he ought to represent.

Representing yourself is very important, your character matters, whatever you’re doing it will always reflect to who you are, the way you treat people that are around you. To get what you want, you need to work for it and earn it, being a good man matters, because where you come from says a lot of things about you, but can’t define you.

It is weird and unbecoming, that you’re in a society where everyone thinks immorality is cool. They chose wrong over right, society has been desecrated, norms and values have lost its meaning. Teenagers hold it to be self-evident to change and restore societal sanity.