Teens Going Wild In A Closely Disconnected World Of Morals And Ethics

Today’s learning and growth especially for Gen Z are basically on the internet and they invest hugely in anything they feel so enticing with, which often time is disconnected from morals and ethics. It is either one teen is involved in drugs or probably a drug victim or the other is accused of sexual assaults, due to, at a very wee age of his life he was exposed to movies that displace sexual scenes which his subconscious mind is too immature to comprehend. It is about the pillar where younger generation lay their principles, integrity, morals and ethical world where basics of polite, well-mannered and servicing the society with right culture and norms can be restored.

Parents have let their guard down by allowing their kids to always have their way all the time, without any kind of restrictions which is going to curtail their excess in order to understand what they are up and also play active role in their upbringing which is very pivotal. There is no hiding factor now, in communicating with teens you have to use the language as it is, be more open in the conversations, parents have to take the central stage in breeding the thoughts leaders of tomorrow, it doesn’t happen in one day, it is a progressive projects which will pave way for more healthier society in reviving the core values of morals and ethics.

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Circle of friends and the kind of conversations they engage will determine the kind of energy they keep around. When making use of personal devices to catchup with entertainment, it is hard to know what the teen is up to or what he is watching, or kind of shows they are largely into. The circle of teens over the time has deviated from what used to be the dominant topics to more obscene conversations with undying desire for luxuries irrespective of the means which it is acquired, the conversations within this range keep getting darker, once it is shared and discussed it goes out of the box.

Parents have to take ownerships through this process and beyond, it is not always on the teachers, guardians and caregivers, a particular show that can make your kids skip their meals needs to be properly checked especially when they are watching it with their peers and talking it out anytime they raise a conversation. Teenagers are more eagerly to see movies, where having sex, engaging in violence and drug abuse are the dominant themes, they feel comfortable with it than, joining family to see a TV program they easily get bored with it, they feel caged, parents not knowing that they have created a different world outside the circle.

It is about value system and where you place yourself, most teens when turned to 16 or above they feel, all these years they have been isolated from the real world, that this is the time to taste the world, this has been the popular view but very damaging at the long run when reversal could not even save such person. Imbibing in morals and ethics help you to reserve yourself when the urge to explore the world in a way, teens understand it, is at the climax, parents more eagerly to initiate meaningful conversations create that atmosphere with high value system for themselves.

It is better of when the communication grows from the scratch until when they are comfortable with it, you don’t actually need to stuck them, you tend to do it when you feel disconnected from on set, and it then create lacuna you must fill. Talking about sex education will help teens understand the role they are expected to play in their prospective relationships, in as much as parents can be watching their kids all the time, they need to build that ability for them to work through things even in more tensed situation and build that invincibility around them to imbibe in morals and ethics.

Anthony Emmanuel Network

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