Since the Taliban seized power last year in Afghanistan, it has seen more restrictions on women, which is believed to modelled in accordance with Islamic dogma and largely structured that those women have nothing to contribute in such setting. On March 26, 2022 Afghan women and girls take part in a protest in front of the Ministry of Education, demanding that high schools be reopened for girls, which was opened and close in a very short time. The Taliban has created a divided world in Afghanistan and seem to go ahead to completely subjugate and kept women in completely isolation, it is now believed that those who choose to stay in Afghanistan under Taliban rule will go through and live under harsh rule.
The newest rule on women restrictions have sparked condemnation, the supreme leader has ordered the Afghan women to cover their faces in public. “They should wear a chadori [head-to-toe burqa] as it is traditional and respectful,” a decree issued by Taliban chief. Through the Ministry for the Propagation of Virtue and the Prevention of Vice, the male household are made to understand that if the decree is not enforced, they are liable to face prison sentence or fired from government jobs, if any of their women failed to cover their face outside their home.
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With such women restricted society it would be tough for any woman to get a job, having relegated women to a lowest level. This has seen the Taliban rule on freedoms and movement, largely directed at women reintroduced which was one of the remnants of their last rule in the 1990s. The Taliban has continued to express their view towards the way they see women in the society, last year they replaced the Ministry of Women Affairs and imposed restrictions on women from travelling further than 72km without a close male relative. This is the idea nurtured by the Taliban that women’s place should be at the confine of their homes, anything more than that should be restricted.
They have prioritized excluding women from the social settings, it is now almost impossible for women to contest or hold any political position. Economically they are scrawling largely because of sanctions from international financial institutions, swingling into humanitarian crisis with more than half of the population facing hunger. This will give a different mindset on how male siblings see their female siblings, this was the culture that the Taliban really want to implant, so that women can be relegated from participating outside their household.
Could more restrictions on Afghan women breed Islamic feminism?
Whatever that has to do with the idea of feminism is contrary to the Islamic view on women, and will create a big fight, but the more growing on restrictions towards women in Afghan will breed thoughts leaders who are going to champion the course of liberating women from the shackles of captivity and restriction. It is more ironic to see that those who protest are women, and you could vividly see the bigger picture, it is even make the fight harder to win, when all the odds are totally on them to shift the narrative.
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