When life hit you hard and you want to give up, remember that some people are still counting on you, you can’t afford to lose it all at that particular stage, because you have come a long way giving shouldn’t be there. This is a fight that life is thrown at you, don’t give up, make every moment counts and live up to your fullest potential.

You still have some stuff that you are not doing, this is about fighter’s mentality, at this point you should focus your mind on it with hundred percent approach, and go get those goals. The development is gangly because you still put some doubts in your potentials, who told you are not good enough? You have got huge potentials but you have to put into work before you can see the outcome, that’s where the true work is.

You feel like you still have some people you need to prove wrong; they have talked down on your ability to make a difference. That’s why you have come a long way to give up, you didn’t come this far just to allow everything to slip off, to give up? There is still unfinished works that is going through processes, until you get it done you are not going to rest.

You can make life give you what you asked of

Whenever you want to give up, remember that long talk with your parents, they didn’t sacrifice all these for you to waste it way. They are counting on you, you are their investment, your family is counting on you need to understand this and began to press hard. This is a real fight and they expect you to deal with it because, they believe in you, you have to show them that you believe in them too.hard work

Before you go to sleep today, think about this purpose. Give it a deep thought, this could be your must impressive project, life is hard but you can still make it to give you what you have asked for, if you’re determine to be the difference.