What is self esteem? It is exactly how you feel about your self. Although it is no longer a novelty to us, it is a something that we often hear, now how has it come to affect our opinion and personality and the people around.

Family is a path to any personal development to whatsoever, it has greater influence in shaping what one has come to be, you hear a story about a teen, that have high self esteem, what has that come to tell us, the message is sturdy. It is good to have positive thoughts about oneself, no one would nurture a bad thoughts towards itself if a circumstances have not prompt that, but it is totally unacceptable to have such thoughts.

A child that comes from a very loving family, all the supports needed as child to foster a positive development is given by the family, everything within there reach to help fulfill the child’s dream, they give out there hundred percent, and the development continues in the same circle. When such child step out among his peers, he is already filled with confident, he has conquered his self, his environment and inferiority complex among his peers, his composure and carefully peaking his words, his exposure would give the signal that he has got high self esteem, which he is ignorant of at that stage, when he reaches the level of his exploits he will put a sensational outcome to his pursuit in life. Another level of it, the story is untold, if there is no proper approach and solution to the menace in the society. You come from a place where family don’t care about your feelings, they set aside the family problems to fullfil their selfish insterest in the expense of well being of a family member.

The father spends most of the day in liquor store, coming home drunk every single day, with only thing that, he has belittle the family to the very last bottom, the mother spends most the time in the markets selling products, looking for a possible way to earn a living, nobody cares about the child, he goes to school whenever he wants, spend the rest of the time in neighborhood seeing movies, sometimes he got bullied by family member which will forever leave a stain in his life, making him less insecure he has received bad review among his people a way to demoralized, unable to express himself. The circumstances have belittle him among his peers, while talking a passer-by will say kid you have low self esteem, which he is ignorant of us, when the need for it comes, it has already gone a long way to damage his personality, the difficulties in adapting would face him like a ghost, he will unable to cast of the way. The message is still the same, help the build your child self esteem, it will have greater influence in his personal development and in live.

Anthony Emmanuel Network

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