Space and time are really important in relationships but setting boundaries and saying no when it contradicts your integrity and principle put you on a different level. In a world where social media has created a lot of notions and has deeply play part in love lives of many, in trying to justify their actions using it as a standard in their relationships. The end product is happiness, if you can’t find happiness in your enclave it means a totally different thing, the ideal thing is to create peace and humour using love to build an empire where you can find the utmost inner peace with setting boundaries to curb vices that are not aligned with your person.

Setting boundaries can really help your prospective relationships especially young people that are really intrigued with what is happening on social media, the assessment is that what happens on media is different from reality, you either choose to build your love life in media or in reality, they are world apart. There is no unnecessary pressure from moving forward, it is a process you need to queue into it with right approach then it starts to become progressive to reach to the desired destination- peace and humour.

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Life is filled with lots of choices and you have to live by anyone you chose, young people always feel the heat to jump into the trend and become part of what is going on without assessing the whole situation. People will always want you to do something whenever it is beneficial to them, without prioritizing your own interest, and it is dangerous if you consent and believe that you’re bound to do it, if you keep doing what people want you to do without setting boundaries you might lose what remains of you, it will lead you chasing only shadow and something that does not exist in reality, as a young person craving to explore the romantic aspects of life, it is a big investment when you look inside and set boundaries that is going to align you, with your future partner.

Your life is your ownership and you have to take control of it, that is reaching to fulfill desired peace and humour in your relationships. It is about establishing healthy boundaries and enjoying the rewards that come with it without compromising your stance. Figure yourself out and know that which is outside your circle then lies your boundaries in order to deter such things away, if you have never set a boundary before, you need to start by making difference in your life and creating space to nurture it, you can focus on your career, relationships and personal growth without being saturated with people’s opinions.

In a world where majority live on people’s opinions young people need to learn how to say no when it crosses the boundaries without being apologetic about it, you need to ask questions that will help the energy without being lenient about serious situations that might become a threat to your mental health, peace and humour. You have to dig deep inside your heart and choose how you’re going to approach the situation and always open for conversations to enable you drive your point across without being disparaging, and focusing on yourself professionally, and personal growth is a big project you need to massively invest in.   


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