We live together as human race, not harmonious. The act of degrading one for his originality has a greater influence in human entity, racism is one of the greatest threats to unity.
There was slave trade which starkly destroyed humanity, when you don’t think humane towards others, behave in such a way that is very awful, the slave trade was purely evil, what so many people went through, was baptism of fire, as the demands from them were very high, they performed donkey work, they never believed to have human ancestry origin, which made them to have lesser opportunity in the world, the high rate of racial discrimination,which is a threat to humanity.
Nobody is insignificant, when you think high of yourself and accept you are too exceptional to have worked with them, actually the top job weren’t meant for them they can do the meager work, with stipend. Humanity should be above all irrespective of what you think or feel about your self.
The world believe to be conscious of, issue of color, the case of xenophobia and other similar stories, that is very negative to humanity, the vulgar language used on such people affect their state of mind immensely, one could not think perfectly, may be behave rightly when your mind is occupied with awful things one said to you, all these have impacts, it lead to self destruction, mostly lead to depression. Hating people’s color is bad, it doesn’t matter who does the hating.
It is appalling that such thing still strive in our so called modern society, what it is all about. Not everyone can handle the pressure, ones who gets to be strong are brave ones.
The world is really silence about the whole issue, it might not affect you now, the decision taken to curtail the horrendous crime will determine how tolerance or strict our society are, to serious issues.
Say no to racism, it doesn’t have a place anywhere in our society, join hand together to eliminate it, it is important to promote a good a society, sometimes it doesn’t matter who is wrong and right, we need to accept everyone and live like humans despite our origin, it shows the spirit of oneness and unity this could be the only to promote humanity.
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