
Patriach Should Be A Role Model

The atmosphere gives whatever it is demanded from it, the pleasure and excitements, you cannot give out something and awaits for something totally difference from what you sow. Patriach should serve as a role model, in as much as they impact positively in the lives of the younger ones.

The society is highly technical, the norms a child learnt from home is a sturdy ground for him to strive in the wider society, one should expect something very tough, unless its gurantee into falling, and become the victim of your circumstance.

Fathers have a bigger role to play, helping the child to grow in such a way, that define the stance of mankind, when you go against such ethics, nature will not resist to punish such person. Try to look perfect as a father, stay closer with your children, know when they are pressed, be a very good friend of them, this will have a positive impact of shaping their lives, when you engage into mutual conversation which will ensure their success in futurity.

Learn to create time to discuss anything with your family, parents are the first role model, be an idea role model for your children, look into their life and know when they are troubled, it can really be dangerous when you let them sort refuge outside your consent.

Be source of inspiration for them, your character and your personality, should continue to shape their lives, it is what they look up to you everyday, it can really be a tough test but, you have to keep it real, you’re the role model they see.

Teach them what they have to know at a certain age, that’s really what role model implore, keep close attention to them, but allow them to associate and give them a little bit of freedom, it will allow them to have proper assessment of the environment.

Anthony Emmanuel Network

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