It has become a thing of, disdain to humanity, where young people engage in suicide, when there is a lot of ways to bring situation to normal.

If you think about getting it over with, or you are tired of your life, in a way that, you think aren’t worth living, you can open up about your situation, no problem is impossible to solve.

When people engage in suicide you are not only killing your self, you have murdered the lives of people who loved you, and children who look up to as a role model, and your purpose on earth, you have sent it to an early grave and there is occurrence of unfulfilled life.

You have a role to play in this world, when you terminate your existence in a way you think, to get it over with and set for eternal and peaceful residence after life, make it look possible here, set the standard, there is no kind of situation you think is disastrous, another person has not experienced, live your purpose, cause reason to die give reason to live.

It is extremely appalling especially the way young people engage in suicide, what have you got to do with taking your own life, life has become very cruel for you? That’s not an excuse, no explanation that is satisfactory for it.

You have to stay ready, because the world will always be ready for you, that’s what you should understand vividly, it is never easy you keep getting better each day, that’s should be your main focus, suicide is never an option to any problem, it will aggravate it the more.

We should do away with suicide, it doesn’t suppose to have a place in your society, it destroys the state of mind,  and a hindrance to what we should become in life. What ever should have caused you to commit suicide, let it out talk to people, possibly you can find solutions to it.