The massive decayedness of moral, ethical and uprightness in the society has left parental cracks wide open. This awakens the root cause where the problem emanated from to determine where it has gone wrong. Teenagers’ approach outside of their families environs is the results of how they are schooled at home, it is those values and principles create how they represent their families. Parental cracks widen as they neglect their most important investment, which is their children, training them and giving them the best education you can. Young people are talking to people they don’t know online, willing to share their nudes in exchange for money, or travel long distance to have sexual relationship.
What they see on social media is stark different from reality, in a time where everyone tends to glorify nakedness and ready to spit on modesty. Parents are neglecting these basis as they groom their children, families are the bedrock of every society, they create first contact on how the society should be with different roles assigned and expectations to live it up. In some part of Africa, there is a believe that if a child behaves very well, it means he resembles his father, but if he starts misbehaving he resembles his mother, the fulcrum of this adage is not to put blame on either of the parents, but strongly maintains that every home should train well-mannered and behaved children so that they can be of help to themselves, be a problem solvers in the society and represent their individual families very well.
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Parents are not giving enough attention to their children as they should, children battle depression, abusing drugs, bully and unable to meet up with academic expectations. If parents draw closer they can be able to notice these issues and intervene before it becomes irreversible. Parental cracks widen as they were unable to strike balance between career and family, in the chase of one, they completely lose hold of the one around them. Parents should form strong alliance with their children especially as they navigate teenage stage, this is because it comes with a lot of vulnerability, their minds battle confidence, and play games with them over what is moral and immoral, between their future and present, it is a whole of vulnerabilities they have to deal, that’s why parental guidance is highly required for healthy growth as they navigate the rigours of life.
Parents should be able to teach their children everything they should know, let them hear it from you first as parents, it keeps them informed when they subsequently hear it outside. Leave the door open for them to run to you whenever they are having issues or even happy moments, it is unbeatable combination in parenting. Educate them as the world continues to evolve, the turpitude of cyberspace has further widen the scope of vulnerability, parents should supply the teenage children with the needed information, the antics of scammers and those hiding behind pseudonym names to obtain sensitive information and use it to blackmail their victims, if they have all these information they will be able to navigate the cyberspace effortlessly, without being the victim of the circumstance.