Mmeso Inspires: What we Share

It is finer than gold,

Purer than diamond,

It is rarer than silver

What we share…

It is incomprehensible like the mystery of conception.

For years now, I kept on pondering on the mystery of our meeting, clearly magical…

As if it was pre-planned from the beginning.

As if it was an episode, played from heaven…

Never forget how we started.

It is evergreen like the flower planted at the riverside,

Pure like the water which flowed from Havilah, the land of treasures.

It is stainless like precious rubies,

Though it knew trials, we shall remain stronger.

It knew struggles, we shall never be torn apart.

How shall our love story end Andy, when we knew not how it started.

How shall it fade when the light which find us together is brighter than the darkness which we shall overcome.

It is getting better than I envisaged.

Related love stories:

An affection not forced, which comes from a place of perfection.

It is not struggled for, but flows from a place of abundance.

With the saviour by our side, we shall never stumble.

By the saviour’s guidance, we shall never fumble.

Tell me Andy, how did this happen?

Because it seems to me a mystery which can never be unraveled.

It seems to me a puzzle which can never be solved.

Never forget, how we started.

Remember how we started.

Remember the sacrifices,

The trials,

The struggles and the hope that kept us burning.

Remember the vision that brought us together and the divinity that kept us together.

Though you travel to East and I to West,

Though you travel to South and I to North,

Remember what we share.

It will come a time when our love will be tried,

But if what we share is stronger than the doubt in our hearts,

If what we cherish is stronger than the noise and distractions,

We shall overcome.

Hold my hands let me hold yours,

for we are stronger together.

Lean on me, let me do the same,

For we are bigger together.

You promised to come for me,

I will wait patiently for you my love.

Even as you travel to West and I to East,

Never loose sight of me.

May this love lead us farther than we imagined.

Mmesoma Nwobodo

Inspirational writer, creative writer, storyteller and law undergraduate student.

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