Mmeso Inspires: Unpredicting- a Tale of Betrayal


There she sat,  hair disheveled, which has turned into breeding home for lice, blouse torn apart revealing succulent cleavage which has known no sin.

Tied to the waist was a piece of a faded wrapper which has seen life in its hostility, just like Kowa. The noise continued outside, dry coarse voice of helpless mothers chiding their children to remain inside the house, and the wailing of the unfortunate ones who had lost their husbands to the war.

Kowa glanced over to her father  where he lay like a dry empty sack, he has urinated on his body again. She grit her teeth in pain. Wiping off the  mucus running down her nose with her wrapper, she moved closer to him and begin to clean him up. He moved his hands, motioning her to stop but she continued, tears dropping down her cheeks.

“Kowa” he called inaudibly.

She ignored him. A blast was heard outside, the enemy plane has landed again. Kowa shivered, as the bowl she was carrying fell off her hands.

“Kowa”, he called again, weeping.

“Father, she answered trembling.

“The time is up, I will join my ancestors soon”, Odufe said weeping profusely.

“Father, will I ever be happy in this life? Kowa queried as she burst into tears.

“All my life has been filled with anguish, I cursed the day I was conceived”, she said.

“Kowa, you are a blessed child. You stayed, though we lost three of your siblings at birth and five to the war. I don’t know why you stayed even though you are the female among them. You are blessed my child, you will live in abundance” he prayed, coughing vigorously.

“Father,? kowa called.

“My child, I lost eight of my sons. I watch my wife, your mother died after a prolonged illness, a woman who has stayed with me for years bearing this pain together, this pain is too much for me to bear “, he said as he urinated again on his body.

Kowa buried her face in her lap and wept bitterly, when she raise her face, his eyes was already closed.

“Father!, Father!! she called while shaking him vigorously. There was no response.

She screamed but it was buried in the blast outside.  She opened the door and aimlessly  stroll out of the compound amidst the flying bullets.

“Mother, is that not Kowa? , a little boy asked, pointing at a figure moving outside the gate

“Yes Boiboi, she is the one”, Ma Titi replied as she burst into tears with her little son.  


He puffed the smoke through his nostrils, two beautiful girls lay by his side. One was awkwardly caressing his hairy chest while the other sat dejectedly, sobbing. He motioned to one of his men to come closer, he did and he gave him a dirty slap.

“You are a fool, he shouted.

“Thank you Sir, he said bowing.

“I have warned you severally to cease bringing me chickens”, he thundered.

“Take her out of my sight”,  he said pointing to the girl who was sobbing.

Saga dragged her up but he was intercepted midway.

“Take this one too, she smells a lot”, he said, spitting on her. “Next time, groom them properly before bringing them close to me, he said.

“Yes sir, Saga said bowing.

He dragged the girls out of the castle. Few minutes later, he ushered in some of his master’s men into the house. Lion exchanged pleasantries with them while offering them seats.

“High master demands our presence in two days time”, Dragon said.

“High Master is getting on my nerves these days, I don’t know what he thinks he is, Lion said uncorking a whisky.

“Lion, keep calm. The jungle is his, we will have our independence some day”, Cobra said.

“I don’t think it is possible with High Master, everyday he keep getting more powerful, Striker said shrugging.

“I was disappointed to learn that Eagle and Lethal are supporting him, while Tiger is his spy”, Lion said gulping down the drink.

“Lion, we have to take it step by step, High Master is really powerful, we can’t afford to fumble”, Cobra said.

“Have you heard the recent news today”, Striker asked which one in particular.

“President Nyego has deployed more men for the All green, all safe project “, he said when he noticed no one was in the mood to reply to his question.

Lion burst out laughing.

“Who cares?, the President is a piece of shit honestly, High master fund those hungry looking tattered men on daily basis. I mean we are covered, who will ever locate us”, Lion said lightning a new cigarette.

“I think we should be more careful, especially with our women. I heard Tiger is seriously dating the Superintendent’s daughter, and you know he is a hard nut to crack”, Cobra said visibly concerned.

“Most times, I have suppressed the urge to gun that rabbit down”, Lion said clenching his fist.

“I wonder how High Master survive without women. He always avoid them like plague, to the extent of rejecting Sabina, the most beautiful girl I have ever seen in my life, Dragon said.

“Is that why you are worshipping him?, Lion asked with a tinge of jealousy. “He cannot perform like a man, that is what accounted for his dislike for women”.

Dragon burst out laughing.

“I don’t think so Lion, he was my buddy few years ago, and I knew some of his escapades with women, but since he started controlling this jungle, his lifestyle changed. He seems more reserved, smart and powerful”, Striker said.

“I am done with discussing High Master and his Irritating lifestyle”, Lion interrupted.

“What is the next agenda? Cobra asked.

“Meeting with High Master in the next two days and then procuring succulent girls for our relaxation”, Dragon answered slyly.

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“Move it, Move it”, the voice thundered the seventh time in a minute. Kowa never bargained for this, she felt bad.

They were walking on a row, five of them. The other girls were sobbing bitterly but she was not moved. She dared the worst to happen.

Their captures speak in strange unfriendly language and on daily basis laugh out loud while enjoying the scary countenances of the girls.

They got to a boat, and they bundled them, tying their hands and feet with a rope to avoid them from escaping. They were pushed into a canoe by the men and one of them begin to paddle.

“What is your name?, one of the girls asked kowa. It seemed she was exhausted from crying and has decided to surrender her fate to the gods.

Kowa turned to the girl, despite having marks at the corners of her month she was still beautiful and looking Innocent.

“I’m Kowa”, she answered.

“Kowa,” she repeated, frightened.

“Are you Singu? she asked.

“Yes”, Kowa answered.

“I’m Jundi by tribe”, she answered.

“My mother used to tell me that we Jundis don’t associate with Singus, she said.

“Does it matter now? Kowa asked, scratching her hair. A lice fell on her hand and she smashed it with her palm.

“It doesn’t Kowa, My name is Lalia”, she answered.

“I have been observing you since we were captured, you seems carefree”, Lalia asked.

“Life makes no meaning Lalia, I want to die, but unfortunately death seem so far from me”, Kowa lamented.

“Why Kowa? you are such a beauty to behold? See how beautiful your eyes are and how perfectly you are molded. Even in our peril, I was admiring the beauty you portray”, Lalia said. Her eyes were reddish and swollen.

“What is beauty when I have no family or friends, no hope to quench my thirsty soul, I want to die so that I can join my beloved ones in the world beyond”, Kowa answered.

“Kowa, once there is life, there is hope, death may not offer the best consolation, Lalia said.

Kowa begin to weep profusely, and Lalia weep alongside.

After peddling for a while, they  arrived at an island and the men pushed them out and began to untie them, they were soon surrounded by several men who begin to negotiate with their capturers.

Lalia held on to Kowa. One of the men pushed them apart, and  when Lalia objected. He flogged her with a rope.

“Take your hands off her you monster; Kowa thundered.

The men were shocked because this was the same girl who had remained taciturn throughout their journey.

“I will pay five hundred shekels, for the dark girl”, a seller said pointing at Kowa while scrutinizing her.

“I will pay one thousand Shekels, another said from behind. He was originally interested in one of the girls but has suddenly diverted his attention to Kowa when she rebuked the man who had flogged Lalia.

“I will pay two thousand Shekels, Saga said from the other side.  He knew his master, Lion,  has flair for dark- skinned girls. He has always wanted to impress his master so he deemed this a good opportunity.

The sellers smiled and quickly handed her over to Saga. They were grinning from ear to, their highest pay ever. Tears filled Kowa eyes again as she turned to leave with her new owner. Lalia hugged her and whispered in her ears. Words which Kowa barely heard until years later.


The men were seated on the thick golden royal rug which gives the sitting look an exquisite look. That have always been the ritual. High master was seated  in front of his men, leg crossed. He propped his chin and took a deep breath. From every indications, High Master is naturally endowed. Heavily built, tall and handsome. His skin shone brightly like olive and one wonders the secret of his look. His deep brown chocolate colour added glamour to his appearance and his white set of white teeth was an extra, his nose was a plus. He is really a good sight to behold.

“We are One”, he chanted. His deep voice reverberating the room.

“We fight for truth, we fight for right, we fight for justice”, the men echoed.

“We are One”, he shouted again.

“We fight for all, we fight for us”.

“Buddies, first of all, I want to thank us for being brave and strong amidst the external forces. We don’t retreat in the face of battle. We fight for justice. If the country succeeds, it is for our welfare, if it slacks, it is against us. We are bold that is why we are called the Indomitable, the youth of Lafa State. We fight for what is truly ours, we don’t stain our hands with the blood of the innocent. We are after the pot- bellied men who sit in office and embezzle funds while the poor masses die. We are after those who erode justice  and deny jobs to youths who roam the street, positions which they rightly deserve, he paused to know if they are listening and when he was satisfied that they were following, he continued…,

“Our people said that wherever a child is pointing while crying, It is either his father or his mother is there. It is a clarion call for all of us to speak less and do more. The President has deployed more men to come after us, we ought to be careful with our movements henceforth. He is really desperate to get us down and in order to satisfy his bid, he won’t stop until he achieve it. Though we entered town to see our loved ones or check up on our various businesses we should always maintain the code. Tiger? he called, looking around to locate him.

“Yes Master”, Tiger answered.

“The Superintendent is a tough man, be careful with his daughter. Women are dangerous”, he cautioned.

“Yes Master”, he answered wondering who told him about his new found lover.

“We are… High master was interrupted by the noise which comes with swinging of the door. Saga enters.

“The women are here”, Saga directed his words to his master Lion.

Lion bit his lips in annoyance, he knew he was in for trouble.

Then Saga noticed the presence of the men and that of High Master. He prostrated before him.

“May your reign be long, High Master”, he said.

“Which women are you talking about? High Master inquired, ignoring his gesture,  disappointment written over his face.

Lion looked at Saga and motioned for me him to keep quiet but he did not understand the sign until he has spill it out.

“Lion, have I not warned you to reduce the way you go about women, to the extent of recruiting  young girls to satisfy your libido”, High Master thundered.

“You may end up recruiting spies and that is the end of us, you are automatically removed from your position. Eagle takes the seat”, he said fuming.

Saga was glad because he knew his position remain, since he will be serving a new master, Eagle.

“And you, High Master said pointing at him, his heart sank.

“Take those girls to wherever you must have brought them, he thundered.

“Yes High Master”, he replied bowing down.

“My Master, Eagle called smiling proudly. “I don’t really think sending the girls back is a good idea, it is either they implicate us or fall into danger since they were sold to him, and may have lost sight of their place. I think they should be procured to work in your farm or as maids. You told us the other day you need some women to help in the household chores”, he said.

“I think that is a good idea, High Master said.

He stood up signaling the end of the meeting, from every indications the meeting ended abruptly. High Master could be easily annoyed, he angrily left the castle for his. 


He quivered in anger as he threw the file into the trash. His paunch which is capable of housing quadruplets heave upwards as he screamed in annoyance.

His secretary stepped into his office as soon she heard his outburst.

“What is that trash?,  he said pointing at the file he had just threw into the trash bin.

The secretary winced in pain. The document has taken her some stressing hours to prepare coupled with the faulty computer that he had refused to replace though he has spare in his office.

“Are you deaf?,  he shouted.

“It is the collation of the various financial reports from the ministries Sir, she answered feeling hurt.

“Oh, that’s true. I forgot”, he said scratching his bald head while sweating heavily despite the fact that the office was heavily ventilated.

“Why are you still standing there looking at me like a moron, get back to work”, he said wiping his face with a dirty handkerchief. Alo remember using the same handkerchief to dust the office earlier. She suppressed a laugh. she turned back to resume her duties but he called her back.

“And who are you expecting to pick that document from the trash? Your forefathers? he mocked.

Alo picked up the file from the trash and dropped it on his table.

“Work on this too”, he said handing her a bigger file covered with dust and cobwebs. Alo felt like crying but she collected it nonetheless and  made towards her desk. She knew she has been through a lot, but she has to hold on for the sake of her poor mother and young siblings.

Most times Minister deducts her salaries and whenever he is going to pay in full, it is usually at the end of the month whenever he is in good mood.

She opened the file and was shocked to see some bundle of cash neatly pressed in between the documents. She thought of what to do. Should she keep it for herself or give the money back to her Master. She decided to do the former.

In the evening, When she was packing to leave for the day. Minister called her.

“The petrol guy will be coming tomorrow for his money, you can pay him lest he come to my place to disturb my peace”, he said.

“Alright Sir, she answered waiting for Minister to give her an envelope for the supposed  guy.

“Why are you still standing? he asked, surprised.

“The money for his pay”,Alo answered.

“The cash inside the file I gave you this afternoon belong to him”, he answered laughing loudly, as if he knew her plans.

Alo quietly left the office, her hope dashed.


The sound of the crash was louder than the blast of the enemy plane. Kowa froze. she just broke another plate, Aunt Yari quickly came out from the room. She was the oldest maid in the household, with grey hairs on her hair and under her jaw.

“Kowa”, she called clearing her throat.

“Ma Yari”, she answered, trembling.

“How long did you intend to keep breaking plates,  you broke a plate the day before yesterday. Can’t you be careful? she shouted.

“I am sorry, Ma Yari”, Kowa pleaded prostrating.

Ma Yari came closer and examined the plate and shouted.

“You broke High Master’s plate”, Ma Yari asked bewildered.

“High Master? ,Kowa repeated.

She has heard so much about him from the workers and she had dreaded his name just like anyone else, then she realized that Ma Yari was yelling at her.

“Kowa, I stand in for you the last time you broke his cutlery and I won’t do it again, you have to go and tell him you broke the plate yourself”.

“Kowa fell down on the floor….”Ma Yari, please help me”,  she begged, weeping.

It was said that “High Master ” has great regard for Ma Yari, being his oldest maid  he hardly refuse to listen to her entreaties. But Ma Yari has made up her mind, she ignored Kowa and turned back and went into her room.

“It seems you have not handled such expensive cutleries in your life before”, Zina asked mockingly. She was the girl who moved in with her from Lion’s quarters and ever since Saga purchased them from the black zone market, she had remained unfriendly towards her.

“You better stop wasting your time here, shedding crocodile tears because High Master can not be moved with this drama”, she said.


Kowa stood at the door fidgeting. She was contemplating on the next thing to do. To knock, to tap or to  clear her throat nosily, to let the occupant know that someone was standing in front of the door. She considered the last option disrespectful and wonder why she ever taught of it. All of a sudden, the door swing open and she came face to face with the most gigantic figure she has ever seen in the twenty two years of her life.

“High Master”, She whispered to herself. She needed no soothsayer to tell her that this was the man she had heard so much about. The expression on his face was not of shock, probably seeing someone standing in front of his door, but his expression was that of surprise.

“Who are you young woman and why are you lingering in front of my door”? he asked.

She prostrated. “I am sorry Master, I broke your plate”, Kowa answered.

“And is that why you are lingering in front of my door like a thief”?  he questioned rudely.

“Forgive me Master, I was just won…”, he interrupted her by raising his hand.

“You can leave”, he said flatly.

“Thank you Master, she said. She quickly stood up and quietly walk through the passage that led to the main house. she noticed that he was quietly scrutinizing her,  when she turned back to see if he was still standing. The piercing gaze of his eyes blinded hers.


“I will crush him, I will tear his kingdom and everything he has worked for apart. He will regret ever disgracing me”, Lion shouted.

The echo of his voice could be heard  some miles away.

“Calm down Lion, In as much I did not support High Master demoting you, I must say that you are very careless with the way you go about women.  The last Spy that almost implicated us few months ago was your concubine”, Cobra said.

“It is not late to change Lion, I think High Master holds you in high esteem, but the safety of this society is not what he would compromise for anything”, Striker said.

“And who is Interested in his love, little boy of yesterday, giving me commands at random.

I will make sure he pays dearly for this. He may rejoice today but tomorrow will be his weeping period. When I shall strike, blood will flow”, Lion thundered puffing out smoke from both his nostrils and mouth.

“Lion, Saga is to be partly blamed, how could a sensible man enter into our meeting place to announce that he has procured some girls for you, It is the highest form of stupidity I have ever witnessed”, Striker complained.

Cobra burst into laughter.

“Saga is a fool, I should have let him go a long time ago”, Lion said biting his lips.

“It would have been easier for me to strike him as his second in command, now I seem distant from him and may not always know his next  move”, Lion complained banging his fist on the wall.

“It will always be one way”, Striker said looking at the men

“Which is? Lion asked.

“Convince Eagle to be on our side”, Striker said smiling slyly.


It was a hot sunny day, and it seemed no one was in the house. Kowa decided to put on a sleeveless dress so as to enable her do some chores with ease. The other workers has left for the farm as it was planting season. She was left behind  to cook and bring to them later in the day.

It was the daily practice that any one who joined the household must be groomed properly to meet up with the standard of the castle. That accounted for some of the nice apparels she now wears and other little benefits she now enjoys.

She was singing a love song in her dialect as she go about her work with joy when she noticed a presence behind her . She quickly turned back to behold him, the “High Master”.

“I’m sorry Master”, she apologized, trembling.

She had  been warned that it was wrong to be caught by High Master idling way in one’s duties. She felt her singing was not necessary at that moment when she could have concentrated on her work.

Kowa was taken aback when High Master who could have necessarily cautioned and walk her away moved an inch closer to her. she  stepped back trembling.

He moved a step forward so Kowa could now feel his breath and perceive the scent of his perfume.

“Kowa!, he whispered to her hearing.

Kowa was surprised, she never know he knew her by name.

“Yes Master”, she answered avoiding his eyes.

“What did you want from me”, he asked, propping her chin closer to his face.

“Nothing Master, I swear by the twin gods of Ubane.

High Master give a deep chuckle.

“You are a Sungi? he asked.

“Yes Master”, She replied, afraid of what could happen next.

“You escaped from the war? he asked bewildered.

“I was kidnapped”, she answered.

“Ko…waa”, he called again and the way he called her name sent her heart pounding faster than normal.

“Yes Master”, she answered trembling.

“Did you cast a spell on me?, he asked narrowing his eyes and smacking his lips while slipping his hand into her dress.

Kowa froze.

“No master, I sw…”, Kowa made to finish her statement, but was intercepted as High Master first lavished her lip with his.  Kowa made to escape from him but he was too strong for her as he pinned her to the wall.

“Master please, I can’t do this”, she pleaded. She thought of how Ma Yari and other household workers will react if they caught her and the much respected and feared Master doing this.

He ignored her, but let his hands rummage through her breast, giving them a soft squeeze. Kowa gave out a slight moan, she has never been handled in such a manner before.

Just like a flash, he tore off her garment from her body and hungrily feed his eyes. He carried her to his room, bolted the door and lay her on his bed.

“I love you Kowa”, he whispered caressing her naked soft body in such a frenzy manner that send chills down her spine. Then he mounted her.

Kowa closed her eyes, she knew this was going to be her first time.

He kissed and  fumbled with her soft, succulent breasts for a while before entering her. She felt an electrifying sensation as he gently made his way down inside her. It was a slow ride at first but at a point he was quick. While Kowa was moaning loudly, he was groaning in ecstasy. After a while, he rolled off her and fell asleep.

Kowa watched him, first in admiration then with hatred. She broke down in tears afterward. She quickly stood up, wrapped one of his cloaks around her and made to tiptoe out of the room but she was interrupted.

“Kowa”, High Master called.

Kowa was startled as she stopped in the middle of her tracks

“Yes Master”, she answered flatly.

“Get back, I’m not done yet”,  he said standing up from the bed.

Kowa turned to face him. “I’m not your sex engine”, she said, then suddenly realizing that she was tying his cloak. she bit her lips.

“You belong to me Kowa, I have every right over you, he said, standing up. He carried her back to the bed and yank off the cloak. Kowa never resisted.


“I can’t betray him”, Eagle said again, half-heartedly. Lion stood up to face him.

“We can’t continue serving him all the days of our life”, he said.

“When should we strike then? Eagle asked. The other men nodded, they were making progress now.

“We will be going for the green operation next week Monday, when the operation is ongoing we will shoot him and cart away with the boot”, Lion said smiling slyly with the prospect of having convinced him.

“What about Tiger and Lethal, they won’t betray him, Eagle said.

“Leave that to me, Eagle. I am the Lion of the Jungle”, Lion said proudly.


Kowa was on him now, in a gliding motion. High Master was groaning loudly while admiring the beauty of the woman he has come to love. It did not take much time for both of them to bond and usually enjoy a free quiet time together, away from other household servants, away from Ma Yari.

Kowa too has grown to be very comfortable with him.

When Kowa finally collapsed in his arms, he held her tightly to himself.

“Kowa, I will be away the day after tomorrow. I will be going into town to visit my friend, he lied.

“Can I go with you?, Kowa asked.

“Not yet, I will take you to see my people soon my love”, he said.

Kowa nodded. She knew her appointment with President Nyego and Minister will be a success.

She smiled.

“Thank you Kowa”, he said and started kissing her all over. At a point, she started moaning loudly. High Master was rock hard, they made wild and uninhibited love.


She sneaked out while the men were engrossed with their discussion and followed the same spot to meet him and his entourage concealed in a big black van.

“They will be attacking the green bank in an hour time”, she said.

“Hope we are getting the right information young woman  Minister asked removing his glasses to properly scrutinize Kowa.

“Yes, their leader is my lover and he told me last night”, Kowa said flatly.

“Alright, we will get back to you”, Minister said as he ordered his driver to drive away from the place.

“Women are really dangerous, betraying her lover”, Minister muttered to himself.


“What did you all think you are doing? High Master asked in shock as all his men surrounded him with a pistol.

Lion drew nearer to him.

“Your end has arrived, you think you are some sort of a god huh? he asked spitting on his face.

“Is this some sort of joke?, High Master asked as sweat broke out of his forehead.

“You are so stupid man, you took us for puppets” Tiger said, pushing High Master backward.

High Master felt hurt as he bow his head in pain.

“We will kill you, and continue with the operation Master”, Eagle said mockingly.

High Master shock his head in disappointment. Being so fast and smart, he dive for Lion’s gun and blow off his head. Lion fell down crashing on the ground.

Immediately, hundred group of uniformed men from Lafa state security services surrounded them with Kowa in front of them and ordered them to surrender.  They did.

High Master almost collapsed. Eagle appeared surprised too.

“Kowa”, he whispered as tears drop down his cheeks.

“You betrayed me too my love”.

“After everything we shared together, the love, the plan… Why did you? he asked.

His men mocked him.

“I am sorry Master, I want a better life”.

“You little fool, even after flirting with Lion and I , you have the spleen to call the cops on us? Eagle shouted.

High Master turn to Kowa but she turned way and quietly walked away without saying a word.

When she turned back again, the men were being handcuffed. He met High Master’s gaze, tears were gushing from his eyes.

She knew he loved her but damn his love!


Kowa has finally executed her plans of giving out the men to the government of Lafa state. She decided to cash in on it when she discovered that they have been on the lookout by the government. President Nyego  fulfilled his unalloyed promise to Kowa. He deployed his Military to Sungi village to fight their assailant. Peace was automatically restored. Kowa was celebrated by the people and she was crowned the Woman King. The first in history. By virtue of her office, she was able to find Lalia. It was a happy reunion.


Mmesoma Nwobodo

Inspirational writer, creative writer, storyteller and law undergraduate student.

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