I was born by a lioness…

Lived and fed in the jungle, I learnt to survive.

We don’t retreat, we advance in the face of adversity.

We don’t fumble, we fight our way through…

We don’t grumble, we ground it out.

I was born by a lioness, a fierce one…

She never give up in search of a game.

She never surrenders to danger but drive it away in full force.

To protect her pride, she destroys her destroyers

To fend for us, she preys on our preys…

She is the queen of the jungle.

I was born by a lioness…

She always leave in full force and returns with her majestic gait.

I had always watch my lioness mother from afar…

The zeal, The strength, the smartness and then the move…

I internalize them all.

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They formed me into a strong being.

Kiki, where we come from, we don’t slow down

I lived in the jungle, I learnt to survive

In the jungle, giving up is not an option.

It is either you get the prey or the prey gets you…

We don’t stop in the middle of the road.

I can’t stop fighting Kiki, I can’t…

I knew the pain of being defeated, I knew the pain of failure.

I knew the pain of disappointment and perseverance…

But I don’t want to know the pain of regrets and giving up.

I can’t allow myself to be prey on.

I was born by a lioness,  who always nudge me to stand up and fight.

Until I become unstoppable…

Now, I used to tell her to back off, let me fight the war.

And she watch me as I  recover our pride.

Yes, she watch me with pride written all over her face as I drove away our adversaries out of our land.

She calls me “The queen of the jungle”.


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