Mmeso Inspires: The Hostel

I’m leaving Irene, I’m leaving…

It gladdens my heart that I’m leaving after spending five years in Nonna’s hostel.

Nina stayed in presidential lodge, the most expensive around here,

Kosi lived in the Villa, very close to Minister’s abode where she can easily see and count the number of cars that leaves and enters,

And the number of desperate “chicks” that come and go,

Isn’t it a thing of joy, Irene?

Five years I was left to stay in the hostel,

A hostel which has an alluring outlook but appears dirty inside with squashy frogs and sleek looking cats roaming about at the dead of the night,

No more scrambling for water in the wee hours of morning,

Watching girls fight at the tap while cursing each other at the top of their voices.

Isn’t a bad experience though, but I have had enough of that Irene,

Living in school hostel has its own benefits though, but I have had enough already.

In all it gladdens my heart that I’m leaving for good.

Isn’t it a thing of joy, Irene?

No more early morning jingles,

Yes Irene, no more water and light scarcity…

You know, strolling all the way to VC officer which is miles away from our hostel to fetch water,

Or to Nino’s hostel where the gateman will bang the gate in our faces with strange curses,

Carrying empty buckets back to the hostel with dampen spirits,

Until Olanna became depressed and wouldn’t stay in the hostel again.

I wish I became depressed too, but it seems I get stronger everyday.

Until days ran into weeks and weeks into months, months into years Irene,

Five years is not five weeks.

Related stories:

No more going to park 24 to charge our phones and lanterns where it is at the owners risk,

Until I met Zina with swollen eyes,

Her phone was stolen even though she was close by,

That same day, we had light after weeks of blackout in the school.

Kiki said Zina has paid the price with her phone.

Three weeks later Kiki lost hers,

I knew she has paid the price too but I refused  to speak, even to my best friend Eva.

No more washing toilets in turn and waiting endlessly for holidays so that one can travel and take a break.

No more sharing foodstuffs with rats and sometimes with unseen strangers,

Why would Mimi endlessly complain that her sachet of noodles keep missing?

And Akunne keep grumbling that her water which was filled to the brim, keep reducing daily while cursing under her breath.

Tell me Irene, why would Nkoli complain that the toilet was not properly flushed and

Azuka ponder endlessly as to what happened to her kerosene stove while eyeing Mma, her bed neighbour who has no stove  but always have cooked food ready all the time.

So much story to tell Irene, but it gladdens my heart that I’m leaving for good.

Irene, no more night class study,

Every cool or hot night witness us strolling to the hall to burn our midnight candle,

With our bright or dim lantern,

Patronizing the plantain chips girl became a ritual,

So as to keep the jaw moving and stay awake

Until Eva ate a whole pack and slept throughout the night with drooping jaw.

It was a funny sight but an eyesore.

Don’t ask me why Irene.

I took a final glance at Nonna’s hostel and smiled…

The horn brought me out of oblivion.

I entered into the bus, and we sped off.

Pa Kosoko, was determined to reach my house at 6pm.

Isn’t it a thing of joy Irene?

Mmesoma Nwobodo

Inspirational writer, creative writer, storyteller and law graduate.

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