Mmeso Inspires: The Chosen

I cannot explain if this is jealousy fast developing in my heart or the anxiety that Prince Ezenwa is returning from overseas to pick a bride from the village in three eke market days.

Yes, I was jealous of Olamma my friend.

Olamma was born with beauty, anyone would attest to it. She shines bright like the early morning sun and her skin portrays a perfect Ugegbe (mirror).

Olamma is the village paragon and it is quite obvious that she will be the next queen.

We both grew up as close friends and I knew the villagers always sing her praise.

Most times, she receives gifts as a result of her charming beauty.

Truly, I tried being happy for her but the thought of her being the next queen really makes my head spin.

Nne had constantly reminded us in our daily morning prayers of the need to shun envy at all cost using the story of the biblical “Joseph and his brothers”.

She had taught us a particular song that day relating to the story which I had sang mumbling.

I would not deny the fact that I gained the admiration of many with my natural colour.

Thus, many called me “eboni” (Ebony) which suddenly took over my name Asamma.

I was described as a beautiful girl too but I knew that I was not a match to my friend Olamma.

Olamma’s beauty had never bothered my mind because we have been friends from our childhood days but right now, jealousy has crept into my soul, especially when the villagers calls her “lolo anyi” (Our Queen).

Olamma would beam with smiles revealing her diastemata and lovely dimples. She is truly beautiful.

Nne’s story of “Joseph and his brothers” will always creep into my mind, but I would only give a sigh or shrug.

It was a very big occasion in the village that the Prince is returning after spending a decade overseas where he had studied to be a medical doctor.

I heard he had finally succumbed to his parent quest to pick a wife from the village.

There were preparation of all kinds of food and the likes.

Truly, Anioma kingdom proved that it was the richest in the clan of Umuagu.

All the maidens of Anioma kingdom which is of marriageable age were not left out in the preparation.

At a time, I noticed the queen was unusually fond of Olamma.

On several occasions the queen had invited her to the palace for special supper and a tete à tete which she had refused to tell me what it is all about.

I had returned home feeling down and when Nne asked me to conduct our night prayers, I had feigned sickness.

Other articles by the Writer:

Nna later bought me new beads and clothes for the event and Nne plaited my hair into neat tiny cornrows. I immediately fell in love with my looks, I pray the Prince does.

The same preparations goes with other maidens, their people adorned them. Who does not want good thing?

Besides, affinity with King Ubaka, an upright and generous man is not what should be taken for granted.

With the decorations and beautification of the maidens, I knew for sure, there will be a competition. A massive one.

And there comes Olamma, the height, the curves, the legs… I gasped in admiration.

She came closer to me and teased me of being the most beautiful. I laughed.

Though, I am inches taller than Olamma, she is heavier than I am. On several occasions, Nne had prayed that I add some weight.

“But Obidiya, her body size is okay” Nna had grumbled.

Nne had eyed him contemptuously and had continued with her prayers.

The hour finally arrived, just like a parcel waiting to be opened.

Anioma Kingdom is richly blessed both in fertility and other ramifications so it was not difficult for the people to prepare a befitting homecoming for their only Prince.

There was an uproar, Prince Ezenwa had arrived.

I struggled to catch a glimpse of him and I was mesmerized.

He has the height, just like his father and fair skinned like his mother.

His skin radiate in the sun and his beards were like the ones I had seen in television.

Nne never knew about my watching of television at our neighbour’s, otherwise she would have skinned me alive.

His gait was appealing and it seems he walks in calculative steps. He is truly handsome.

Then I remembered my dreams, a man like Prince Ezenwa was playing with me in a familiar garden.

Yes, those dreams were recurring that I had to speak up to Nne.  

She had compelled me, to fast for two days without food. I nearly passed out.

Though the dreams had continued after the fast but I refused to tell her.

When she asked me about those dreams, I had lied that I dreamt them no more.

She had knelt down and thanked Olisa (God) for delivering me from the hands of “spiritual husband”.

“Asamma! I was called out of my reverie.

“Where have you been, we have been called to help the women arrange the food, it was Olamma.

I followed her, the Prince was addressing the villagers at that time. I noticed he speaks through his nose like Dr. Francis my chemistry teacher.

At noon, the ceremony kicked off in full.

Then comes the moment the maidens were to dance in front of the Prince with Olamma leading the group.

There were so many of us who dance better than her, but we were instructed that she should take the lead. A position which was rightfully mine.

All of a sudden, I started feeling uneasy and at a time, I quietly left the dance arena to a bush where I cleared my bowels.

By the time I was done, the dance was over, I felt bad.

At dusk, the ceremony ended with the king thanking all who had participated in the event to make it a memorable one.

The queen had asked some of the maidens to stay back to help the maids clear the palace. I was among them.

Surprisingly, even to my own self, I did not like the idea and wished to go home.

I had been feeling an unusual churning in my stomach and loss of appetite even with all the delicacies around.

“Why did you leave the dance arena before the dance ended? I was startled. It was not a feminine voice.

I turned to behold the amazing figure of Prince Ezenwa right in front of me.

“I… I was pressed” I stammered, the tightening in my stomach grew louder.

He smiled and moved towards me.

“Hope you are fine now, are you sure you didn’t eat something bad.

No, not at all, I quickly answered feeling uncomfortable.

I noticed he was actually looking at me, a kind of scrutinizing.

I wondered if he had seen Olamma.

“What is your name he asked”, but was interrupted by a guard.

“My prince, the king sent for you” he delivered, he stood at the door waiting for the prince.

There was a look of surprise in his face, perhaps seeing the prince discussing at that time, he should be in his chambers having some rest.

The prince nodded and quickly turned back to me.

“Yes, my young lady, your name?” he asked.

Asamma I answered feeling a bit relieved.

“That is a nice name he said smiling, I will see you tomorrow Asamma he said and leave with the palace guard.

That moment, Olamma walked up to me, it was obvious she has been eavesdropping.

“Asamma, what are you discussing with the prince?” she asked with a stern voice.

“He was asking me where the queen was”, I quickly answered as if I were expecting the question.

“Really? Olamma asked rolling her eyes, it seems she was pained. Had the prince noticed her, I wondered.

Then, I noticed she was talking to me.

“Asa, don’t tell me you are being sneaky, the prince was with his mother few minutes ago before he came straight here she said fuming, a look of disappointment spreading over her face.

“So she had been stalking the prince…” the thought alone infuriated me.

Olamma, what is your problem? please leave me alone I answered and walk away.

At night, I dreamt the same dream again, this time it was so real. I think I need to tell Nne.

In the morning, I was called into the king’s palace where he was seated with his wife and his only son (The Prince).

The prince was sitting close to his mother, so I avoided looking towards his direction.

I greeted the trio and proceed to sit as the king directed.

“My daughter, our son told us that he had fallen in love with you and as you wished, he would want to know about your family and eventually proceed with the marriage rites” King Ubaka said.

I cannot believe that those words were being directed to me.

I turned to meet the smiling Queen and then the Prince, who winked at me smiling. I smiled back. I laughed.

“I like him too I replied, feeling shy. The three laughed boisterously.

Then, Prince Ezenwa thanked his parents profusely and took me outside.

I noticed that most of the maidens were eavesdropping including Olamma. She left as soon she sighted us, cursing under her breath.

I held my head high. I had won.

“Asa m”, Prince Ezenwa called me.

“Did you truly love me?” he queried.

“Yes I do” I answered, smiling and holding tight to his hand.

“You are so beautiful Asamma”, he said and made way towards the garden. “Your colour is natural”.

“Thank you my prince”, I replied giggling.

“Are you are a fast runner”? He asked.

“Yes I am”, I answered wondering why he asked.

Then I heard him talking to me…

“Very well then, catch me! He said playfully and started running around the garden. I ran after him.

Then the image of the dream came again… I can see clearly now, the man with the neat beards and the lovely eyes playing with me.

I can see clearly the familiar garden… The man carrying me on his back and telling me sweet words.

I can see Nne, compelling me to fast to shun “spiritual husband”. I can see her now, accepting my “spiritual husband” with open arms.

I can see the villagers genuflecting to acknowledge my presence as their queen.

I can see Olamma weeping at the riverside.

I chided myself for being jealous initially, because it was destined that the prince was to be mine.

I can see Prince Ezenwa slowly removing my jigida (waist beads) at that supposed night, a look of triumph on his face when he found out that he was the first to “touch me”.

Anuli my friend, who had married a year after our secondary education had told me her first time experience with her husband and how proud she had been because her husband pampered her a lot.

I can see my belly swelling four months after my marriage with Prince Ezenwa, and how happy he was because we were expecting our first child.

Then I tripped and fell, he rushed to me.”

“Asa m”, I am really sorry. I shouldn’t have asked that you pursue me he said lifting me up the ground and dusted my body. Later, he carried me on his back into the palace with the admiration of the palace guards.

The rest of the story continues…

Few weeks after our marriage, I was sent overseas to complete my education. I later became a qualified nurse and help my husband manage his hospital.

Prince Ezenwa remained an amazing husband to me and a loving father to our kids.

Truly, our marriage was richly blessed and it flourish like the evergreen…

It matters a lot to me that in all, I was the chosen one.


Mmesoma Nwobodo

Inspirational writer, creative writer and law undergraduate student.

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