Son of ember
Ayaka stood in front of his wife’s hut, pacing up and down. At regular intervals, he placed his ears close to the mud hut while praying in his heart that his dream never come to pass.
He cannot deny the fact that his dreams always come to pass and that his ‘chi’ had blessed him with dreams interpretation. He leaned on the cold mud wall awaiting his fate. Hot sweat were pouring down his face, his armpits and down below.
It had drizzled in the early hours of morning but the weather had no effect on him now.
Ugomma, one of the midwives dashed outside to get a bowl of water, Ayaka rushed to her.
“She is fine, she is fine, she hastily replied avoiding his eyes. He knew from her tired look down to the sweat which drip down her chins that things may not really be fine.
Few minutes later, the cry of a baby was heard. His curiosity heightened, after some time the cry of another baby was heard. His heart sank and he slowly lowered himself to the ground.
His heart had failed him, his dream…
He dashed into the hut but was stopped by the midwives.
“I want to see my wife” he insisted pushing them aside. There lies Asamma sprawled on the ground tears dripping down her cheeks. The midwives were all seated on the floor as the innocent twins cry.
Ayaka couldn’t hold his tears, his ten years of childlessness was supposed to end with happiness but right now anguish had besieged him and his lovely wife.
The twins cry harder now and he lowered to carry one of them before he was stopped by one of the midwives.
“Ayaka, you know it is an abomination, did you want to be beheaded? She asked.
“But we can all keep it a secret he suggested, let’s keep the babies please” he pleaded.
“No Ayaka, I don’t want doom to befall my household Ugomma the chief midwife said standing up.
“I will give you whatever you want Ugomma, I have been childless for a decade, please have pity on me, my wife and innocent twins he pleaded.
Asamma still maintained silence, tears dripping down her cheeks.
“Ayaka, you are a warrior and a fearless one for that matter, embrace your fate. Stop fretting like a woman and be a man, you and I knew that this has been the culture of our great kingdom, Umuidu Ugomma answered.
All of a sudden, the chief priest stormed into the compound and Ayaka knew he had lost the fight for sure.
Asamma weep louder… the midwives step aside to allow the chief priest in.
* * * * * * * * ** **
“We all know that Ayaka is a great warrior in this village and beyond, he had made this village a center of admiration among our neighboring villages, we cannot fold our hands and watch him languish in bitterness and anguish. He has been married for ten good years without a child, very well then, the gods blessed him but it turned out to be a taboo, an abomination. He paused and continue… in every problem, there is always a way out. Let us put hands together and help Ayaka or should we fold our hands and watch our great warrior slowly pine away in sorrow King Ezenwa said.
“My king…how should we help him then” the Onowu asked, others nodded.
“I have seen the chief priest earlier today, but first I need to let my chiefs be aware of my decisions.
I have decided to let one of the twins live, the unfortunate one should be thrown in the evil forest at midnight, he replied.
“No my king, you can’t make such a draconic law which will be detrimental to your subjects, who are we to question the laws made by our forefathers, we are mere mortals Azuka answered stamping his staff on the ground.
“Yes my king, have you thought of the implications of your intended action towards the sons and daughters of Umuidu, did you want us to be cleared from the surface of the earth? Agunnaya replied.
“My king, I am solidly behind you, Ayaka has done more than enough for this great kingdom, without him we all must have been dead and forgotten, he fought the war of the fourteen spirit of Igede, the war of Mmagha, the deity of the river and the war that took us three years… which of them should I count and leave the others, my king even the gods knew that this man deserve their mercy and compassion, let us spare his twins if possible my King, or else we might lose him to grief, Nwobodo answered.
“Will you shut up your mouth Nwobodo, what is wrong with you? Agunnaya thundered.
“May the gods of our land strike you with blindness if you call my name again, Nwobodo warned.
“Will the two of you behave yourself, how can the two of you be raising voices in front of our king, Onowu chided.
King Ezenwa cleared his throat… “My elders, I have given my word. We might lose Ayaka if we throw both of his sons in the evil forest, he is slowly pinning away. I have never seen him shed tears before but this morning he was shedding tears like a bride who had lost her husband.
I will let one of the twins live, just like I said earlier I have consulted the chief priest, he said it will take a lot of sacrifices but we are willing to help our warrior stand back to his feet, because as we all knew our enemies are always ready to strike at any slightest opportunity.
“You have spoken well my king, we are solidly behind you the Onowu answered.
“My king, I am not happy about this, when my wife gave birth to twins, they were thrown into the evil forest, and not even one of them was spared” Iloh said.
“Iloh, I have given my final verdict”, king Ezenwa answered raising his horsetail, the elders bowed.
** ** ** ** ** ** ** **
Two maidens was seen returning from the stream gossiping and shaking their waist to the dance of the “Ikolo” which sound can be heard from afar.
“Nne m, haven’t you heard the latest gist in town”, Nkiru asked slowing down so that her friend Ijeoma could catch up with her.
“My dear, I have heard ooh, my mother was telling me last night as we were preparing dinner.
Wonders shall never end, because he is a warrior he was treated differently, this is really bad, I pray that the gods will never visit us with the plagues as usual because I cannot wait to be in the arms of my husband to be, you know our marriage rites is coming up in two orie market days” Nkiru said.
“Aah ah ,Nkiru please don’t speak in such manner it has not been easy for Ayaka, you know he had been childless for years and now this tragedy struck. Moving on with one of his twins has not been easy for him either” Ijeoma replied.
“The gods might be provoked Ijeoma and that is my concern”, Nkiru replied.
“I understood Nkiru, but Ayaka have saved this kingdom from numerous disasters, the gods will surely understand.
“I believe so Ijeoma, you know the ways of the gods is not the ways of man, let us pray that this decision of our partial king and his greedy cabinet members will not bring disaster to this peaceful village.”
“Nkiru, can you just be optimistic, besides your husband to be is the son of the Onowu. Are you indirectly insinuating that your father-in-law is a greedy man?” Ijeoma asked laughing.
“Ijeoma can you just stop that she said laughing too, the two ladies bade goodnight and parted ways. The sound of the Ikolo has equally diminished into the cold evening.
* ***** ******* ******.
“Obidiya, did you want to put me into trouble? How can you bring in a strange child into this house? I wonder what gave you such guts even, you better take him back to wherever you must have picked him unless you want my wrath to descend on you this evening” Agu shouted pacing to and fro.
“Obi m… she called but was interrupted by her husband.
“Don’t Obi m me, how can you bring in a child you found in the territory of Umuidu and Umuoku into my house, you and I know that those villages are our arch enemies, did you want to put us in trouble, I am very disappointed with you woman.
“Obi m, this child is innocent, he knew no evil or wrong. How can we spit out the sugar the gods has given us? We have been married for seventeen years, seventeen good years Obi m and yet no cry of a child in this house.
“Obidiya, I was never complaining, we just have to wait for the gods to put smiles on our face. Remember he who runs faster than his “chi” will only have himself to blame, don’t say I didn’t warn you?
Obi m, you will attest that for seventeen years we have been together, I have never deceived or put you in trouble, I won’t let you down my husband. Please allow me to keep this little innocent boy, he will be a blessing to us, mark my words.
“Alright Obidiya, do as you wishes” Agu replied looking at the baby over.
“This child look like he is from Umuidu, I hate those people Oriaku m, but go ahead and keep the baby if that is what will make you happy.
“Thank you so much Dim oma, I will never take this wonderful gesture for granted. She decided to hide it from her husband that she had found a bead on the baby’s wrist which portrays that he is actually from Umuidu, but that will be a secret between her and the gods.
When she had bathed the child and fed him, she lay him on a small bamboo bed before rushing to the kitchen to make her husband’s favourite.
Her husband later joined her in the kitchen.
“I like the child though” he said, sitting close to her. He looks so peaceful and innocent, but I sense a great strength hidden in him, he shall be great”.
“I have never doubted you my husband, your hunches are always right, I knew that the child will be a blessing to us in years to come, Obidiya answered grinning.
“Obidiya, he called looking at her in such a way that a message is quickly passed across to her.
“Yes my husband… ooh, that look she shouted laughing. Obi m, you have to wait until I am done cooking and freshening up ooh, she said swaying her hips from one side to the other.
“Yes, I will wait, he said smiling and scratching his head.
“That’s my husband, she praised shaking her waist provocatively.
“Stop tempting me before the time Oriaku m, he said smacking her buttocks while standing up.
Obidiya burst out laughing boisterously.
“Let me quickly fix the barn Obidiya he said leaving the kitchen but stopped at the doorway.
“We shall call him Odum… he paused to look at his wife expression.
“The baby, he said. Obidiya hugged him happily.
“I love you my husband, thank you for accepting the poor boy”.
That night, as anticipated, things went down well with the couple and for seventeen years, that night, that special night… Obidiya conceived.
*******. *****. *****. *****
“Nkem, why did you tell our son that he has a twin, I thought we both agreed to keep it a secret until he is of age that is if it will be necessary Ayaka confronted his wife Asamma.
“What is the need of keeping it from him, besides it is better he heard it from us than from outsiders Asamma answered.
“Asamma you should have obeyed me, Ikemba is just ten and imagine him asking me series of draining questions, you women can’t keep your mouth shut for once”, he thundered.
“Don’t raise your voice on me Ayaka, I miss my son whom you threw in the evil forest she shouted, tears clouding her eyes.
“Nkem it is neither our fault, it is the custom of our village. You and I…he was interrupted by his wife.
“Then allow me to talk about him, the spirit of my son keeps haunting me, when will this devilish custom stop. Are you not a warrior Ayaka, can’t you talk to the king by virtue of your power and influence?
“Nkem, it is not as easy as you think, you and I knew that this custom had been even before the both of us were born, and besides our son was only a victim of circumstances. Don’t make it look like his loss never bothered me or made my heart bleed… all those years Nkem. He moved closer to her, but she drew back.
“Ayaka, it happened ten years ago but memories appears so fresh… she replied weeping now.
“I am very sorry Nkem, I shouldn’t have raise my voice he pleaded. He embraced her so tightly.
“I have a meeting with the king in the palace, I must leave now he said, disentangling himself from his wife.
“Go in peace my husband, may the gods of our land be with you.”
* * **
“Odum! The great Odum! I am proud of you my son, see how you have made this great kingdom second to none. The son of Agu the great hunter of Umumba village, you are truly the son of the soil.
“Thank you Igwe, odum answered prostrating.
“Please have a seat my son”, King Echezona said.
“I am truly happy my son, that I can go to sleep with my two eyes closed. My son I want you to continue like this, anything you want I will provide them for you. Whenever you are interested in picking a bride whether today, tomorrow or any day, remember you have all the right to pick from my three youngest daughters, the elderly ones are all married.
“My king, I have heard everything you said and I appreciate. Thank you very much Igwe.
“Yes, my son, tomorrow I will convey with my cabinet members to discuss something very important and we need your presence too, Umuidu kingdom had threatened us for a war. For years now, we had been in dispute over some acre of land. We had called for mediation but they bluntly refused because they have powerful warriors. This dispute had been in existence my son, before I was born” King Echezona said shaking his head sorrowfully.
“This is really bad my king, but I believe something must be done to stop all this threats and intimidation” Odum answered.
“Yes my son, and that is why the gods of our land had finally answered our prayers through you by filling you with supernatural powers and strength to equip you for the journey ahead. I believe this is the time to challenge Umuidu village, this is the time to tell them that we are not weaklings anymore and that their threats no longer matter” he said standing up, pointing his staff towards the sky.
He continued… “The gods have come to dwell among us in form of man. I am proud of you Odum my son, and I want you to know that the people are proud of you too.
“Thank you my king, Odum answered beaming with smiles.
** ** ***
“Odum my beloved son, you can’t imagine what happened in the market today” Obidiya said coming out from her hut, but she met him sitting dejected his food untouched.
“What is the problem my son? don’t tell me you haven’t touched your food because your sister Uloma served you an hour ago. There was no response.
Obidiya moved closer to Odum and tapped him on his shoulders.
“Agunnaya” What bothers a lion? She asked sitting beside him.
“Mother, nothing bothers me. I am thinking about life”, he lied.
“Odum my son, I am your mother and I have known you for the past twenty-five years, unburden your heart to your mother, I know something bothers the lion”.
“Alright mother, I was just returning from the palace and the king told me that I should be getting prepared for a proposed war by a rival village.”
“Not the Lion getting scared of battles, you have always defeated our enemies since you were crowned the warrior of umumba village, you have fought the war of the nine clan, the war of Ichaka, the fire god. Yes, you have fought the war of Egbeigwe, the twenty one river gods, you have fought the one of Izaga the arrow chiefs and many others coming out all victorious, so why this particular one does worry my only son?”
“Mother, the village in question is Umuidu and I cannot explain why I always feel unusually cold at mention of that village, it was as if all the veins in my body melt away. I cannot say this to the king, I need to be strong for our village but if this feeling persists Mother, I will have to tell him.
“No my Son, you cannot do that, remember your oath of allegiance to the village of Umumba to serve it with due cause, besides the people believed so much in you. I wanted to tell you initially that all the food stuffs that I bought from the market today was given to me freely. They said as long the food is for their warrior, that I should not pay a dime.
“Alright Mother, I have heard all that you said… I will speak to my “Chi” about it.
** **
“Ayaka… tell me how is the preparation going with your son Ikemba?” The spy whom we sent to Umumba village told me that the village is ready and that the warriors are all prepared King Ezenwa asked.
“My king, you know that I am gradually losing my strength, the strength with which I fought the twelve river gods is no longer there… Ah, I missed the days of my youth. I am happy that I have succeeded in training my son. But I can tell you my king, my son is doing very well.
“I believe you Ayaka, from the countless battles your son even as young as he is had fought victoriously, I can tell we are winning this battle.
But the spy told me that Umumba’s new warrior is very strong and we need to be prepared before going to war.
“My king, I am giving you my word, meanwhile if my son returns with his warriors I will ask him to come and see you.
“That’s good Ayaka, send my regards to him.
*****. *****. ******. ****
“Today is the day, warriors of Umuidu kingdom, A day to capture our enemies, to make our village proud. We are taking the trophy home Ikemba’s deep voice pierced the early morning.
“Ide Umuidu eeeh!!! Ikemba shouted again.
“Odogwu! Odogwu!! His men chorused as they zoomed off.
* * *. ****. ****.
Warriors of Umumba, a history we are about to make, our people said that if an elder holds what belong to a child up, when his arm starts hurting him, he shall surely bring it down.
Our fathers told us how the people of Umuidu took our own land at a broad daylight because we are incapacitated to fight back. Yes, they told us how they killed our livestock, raped our women and subjected our men to slavery. But today, by the gods on our side the whole story is ending today.
We are taking back our possession, since they do not want peace, we shall give them war.
“Ka anyi jebe ooh, Odum! His men chorused.
“Ka anyi jebe ooh, Odum! They continued.
“We shall leave now before they invade us, he shouted and they zoomed off.
The two group met themselves at the boundary which separated both villages and a fierce battle started each group preventing the others from entering their village.
“They call you Odum, but today I am going to crush you and feed your body to the vultures”, Ikemba said facing Odum as the fight intensified, their men were fighting it out, real battle.
“I heard you are called Ikemba, you cannot do more than a dead ant, Coward! Odum thundered.
Ikemba burst into laughter…”You are a son of a weakling, who knows your father? My father fought the war of the twin god, the highest in the history of the nine clan of umukpakpando.
“And who cares to know who your father is and the wars he had fought, you are living on your father’s past glory , I am called the son of ember, because I can never diminish, so away with you! Odum thundered.
“Shut up, Ikemba shouted and they started fighting fiercely. They fought until it started raining, with claps of thunder.
“At that time, the warriors from Odum side seems to be on the losing side”.
He was not discouraged though… he fought wildly.
Ikemba seems to know all his tactics and defended himself.
They fought until mid-day but the rain continued, just like a flash Odum cut through Ikemba’s arm with his sword. He fell down with a thud. His men made to flee but they were stopped by Odum’s men.
Though out of two hundred men from Odum’s side, fifty made it alive, but they were happy that the battle ended in their favour.
Odum’s body was filled with deep cuts and bruises, but his men carried him high on their shoulder while they bundle Ikemba and his men into their village.
His men chorused as they storm their village.
“He is the son of ember, lion of his people…!
“He is the son of fire, lion of his people!!
*******. *****. ******. ******
“Where is your wife? Ezemmuo asked, after he had stormed into Agu’s compound one early morning.
“Mouthpiece of the gods, of what do I owe your visit to my humble abode this early morning.
“Agu, the son of Okonta, a toad does not run in the daytime in vain, it is either it is being pursued or it is pursuing a prey.
“I can actually see it for myself mouthpiece of the gods.
“Agu! Twenty five years ago your wife picked a baby boy from the bush right?
“Yes, Agu answered nodding, scared of what next he would say.
“Right, the baby is from Umuidu, the village whom was just conquered by our powerful warriors.
“Truth be told Mouthpiece of the gods, I don’t even know where he came from. My hunch was right after all, he look like the Umuidus but my…
“Yes… he was interrupted by Ezemmuo.
“Your wife knew he came from Umuidu, because she picked him at the boundary dividing the village from ours. She had an evidence, an amulet.
“Mouthpiece of the gods, this sound like a fiction to me because…
“Agu!! The son of Okonta, keep your mouth shut, because no one can question or disagree with the gods.
“Everything was all planned by the gods, your foster son Odum fought his twin brother Ikemba, whom was held captive with his men yesterday.
As a matter of fact, he was thrown away because he was a twin and we all knew the custom of Umumba, they harbor no twins.
“Agu was torn apart, he can’t bear the thought of losing Odum whom he had watched grew into a man, very powerful.
“Mouthpiece of the gods, does it implies that Ikemba and Odum are twins and they are sons of Ayaka.
“Yes, and we need to act fast, the time has come when it was destined for the village to become one, historically, we all knew that Umumba and Umuidu were twins who went their separate ways because of greediness, since then the two villages had never been in good terms. Agu this happened two hundred years ago.
So, where is your wife Agu? I am off to the palace, Ezemmuo said leaving the compound. He passed through the exit door backwardly just the way he had entered.
* * *. ***. ***
“Ikemba, how will your people feel seeing their almighty warrior captured, Odum asked laughing loudly.
“Don’t be too quick to celebrate your win kid, you might have win the battle but not the war, I am coming for you Ikemba said growling.
Odum laughed boisterously and said…”Coming from a wounded helpless man, you should be grateful man that I commanded my men to treat your wound If not you would have been a dead man.
“You are a Coward, but as soon as I get hold of you, I will rip your throat Ikemba shouted.
“Did you suddenly forget that I can drive my sword into your chest or stomach or gouge out your eye balls… be careful how you talk to your superior Odum said with a chuckle.
Just then, one of Odum’s men quickly run up to him…
“Master, the king ordered that we should prepare the prisoners because we all are leaving for Umuidu, the message came from Ezemmuo.
“Why? Odum asked, he took Atu aside.
“Atu, what was that all about, this was not the initial plan with the king.
“Master, I was surprised myself, but Ezemmuo revealed so much about you and the warrior of Umuidu whom we held hostage, but I can’t even understand anything he said.
“Alright, warriors are warriors, we don’t panic, ask Ajani to prepare the captives. I will handle him my self Odum said pointing at Ikemba who was in a cage big enough to accommodate ten men.
“If I ever found out that you are part of this, I will kill you Odum said to Ikemba.
“You are a dead man, Ikemba thundered.
*****. *****. ********. *****
“My king, this is the worst that had ever happened in Umuidu kingdom. What are we to do? Onowu asked. King Ezenwa was shaking his head in sorrow.
“By noon tomorrow, I will go in search of my son Ayaka said, he continued. “Though I am old now but I will challenge whoever it was that held my son down.”
“Ayaka, are you sure your son is still alive, I am sure Umumba kingdom will not wait a second to slit their throat. Have you forgotten how we dealt with them some years ago? Agunnaya said.
“My son is still alive, I can feel it. He was just wounded because I can hear him groaning in pain Ayaka said.
“Ezege the chief priest will be here any moment from now, he sent his messenger ahead of him to tell us King Ezenwa said.
“My king, mothers are weeping, wives are crying, fathers are sobbing because of their sons who had left for the battle but yet to return Azuka said aggrieved.
“We initiated this fight first, my king, our forefathers told us that the piece of land belongs to Umumba, how can we bear losing our dear sons in the battle field because of our greediness and our refusal to admit the truth Nwobodo chided.
“You better keep your mouth shut, if you don’t know what to say Onowu shouted at him.
“I will shut it of course, besides my lovely daughters is at the house but two of your son I am sure were killed in the battle field, Nwobodo said mockingly.
“Shut up…Onowu shouted but was interrupted by Iloh.
“Onowu, there is no need shutting him up because he is telling the truth, we are elders and we should face it, that is why we are the White caps chiefs, we stand in truth and justice, Iloh concluded.
Ezege the chief priest immediately enters the components and face the group.
“My king, the gods have sent me to you… in a couple of minutes King Echezona of Umumba kingdom and his entourage will be arriving.
King Ezenwa stood up while the elders look at one another.
“Ezege, why should they visit Umuidu, to take over our possession? King Echezona asked, panicked.
“The ways of the gods are not the ways of man, twenty five years ago, Ayaka’s wife gave birth to two sons, the custom said none should live but we offered an expensive sacrifice to the gods for ten days and ten nights to allow one of the twin stay, while the other was thrown away.
Yes, the feeble twin was thrown away because we thought he might not live for long but he did. The gods look upon him with pity and made him the strongest of the twin, his name is “Odum” The son of ember.
The king and his cabinet members shouted. Onukwube the town crier quickly summoned the villagers.
Just then, King Echezona entered with Ezemmuo, then Odum with his men, the captives the cabinet members and his foster parents.
Ayaka stood up speechlessly… “Ezege, mouthpiece of the gods, did you mean that Odum is my son?
“Yes, Odum and Ikemba are your twins, they were born to bridge the gap between the two villages which was caused by our forefathers two centuries ago.
Odum was startled as well as Ikemba and they avoid looking at each other.
“Is this a prank to get me, Odum asked himself before Ezemmuo stepped out.
“Obidiya, tell us that happened and the truth you shall speak least you incur the wrath of the gods.
Obidiya stepped forward, she was aggrieved as she can’t bear the truth of losing Odum to anybody but she dare not lie against the gods of the clan.
“Twenty five years ago, I went to the forest of Eziokwu to search for kolanut at the foot of the Oji tree, I was halfway to the place when I heard the cry of a child. I thought it was a spirit baby but the cry was so piercing that I decided to find it.
The cry led me to the boundary dividing Umuidu, Umumba and Umuoku where I saw a feeble child
Wrapped in swaddling clothes, it was a baby boy.
He had on his wrist an amulet which was very popular among the Umuidus, Obidiya said raising an amulet.
“That is my amulet, my son is alive Ayaka screamed, and may the gods of our land be praised.
Odum quietly walked up to Agu.
“Father what are these people saying? Did you conspire against me, your own son? He asked.
“I am very sorry my son, it was our fault that we failed to tell you on time, that you were actually picked, we thought that a day like this will never come.
I can’t believe all these, I can’t… I am a son to nobody, Odum shouted and made to leave but Asamma his mother stopped him weeping.
“My son, please don’t leave me the second time, you are truly my son. If you bear the mark of a little cross under your left armpit, then you are my son, I did that because I know you will definitely come back to me someday.
Odum was startled because there was actually a mark of a little cross under his left arm pit. He suddenly felt pity for the poor woman. Asamma quickly hugged him tightly.
Obidiya felt jealous but she was happy for the reunion, she knew that Uloma, Odum’s foster sister will not take the news likely.
Ikemba avoided looking at Odum direction just like he had avoided looking at his but they knew that they were brothers now, few days ago they were engaged in a fierce battle, that is the irony of life.
“The gods choose to remain silent over the years because they decided to, the truth stands, Ikemba, Ide Umuidu and Odum the son of ember are the twin sons of Ayaka, the greatest warrior of our time, Ezege said raising his staff.
“This calls for celebration, King Ezenwa thundered. The villages who had gathered all shouted for joy as they all begin the preparation, chattering happily.
Ayaka hugged Odum so tightly before moving to thank Agu and his wife profusely, Asamma hugged Obidiya for raising her son into a fine gentle man.
The kings and elders from both villages were seen having a deep discussion and laughing at intervals.
“Brothers don’t fight each other, do they?” Odum asked Ikemba extending his hand for a handshake.
Ikemba laughed, shake and hugged him, the two later spent some days discussing of their achievements.
The rejection of twins was later abolished in Umuidu kingdom and they maintain a cordial relationship with Umumba till date.
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Am very proud of you sister 💯
Nice and interesting write up.
May the blessings and Grace of God follow you that nothing shall dim your shine 🙏.