Mistakes Parents Make On Course For Perfection

Family is indispensable, a bond that unite group of persons to form a strong force to withstand all challenges. Parents are the stronghold on which the family built on with children the end product of love, which are the bottom line of the marriage biologically.

Every parents want their children to be the best, they can do everything for them to reach their highest potentials, on course for perfection many things went wrong, the blue road turn red.

In family there should be good communication skills which allow the children to interact and have proper conversation with their parents, when such atmosphere is missing it is hard to trust and kids lean on what they learnt outside.

Create atmosphere for communication and interaction, teenagers go through a lot in their stage, to open up to another person despite who that person is very hard, but easy to achieve when you devote your time, a quality time and partake in what is happening your children’s lives, it will make a whole lot difference.

You should be able to expose your children to all the elements and know where they fit in, don’t impose your own ambition on them, you can’t live in their timeline, you only serve as guidance and councilor in their lives.

When you become too imposing they find it difficult to cope with situation, especially when it is uncomfortable for them. Parents push their kids to choose career they aren’t good at just because they liked it, it should be by concession choosing career path is very delicate a mistake can ruin long run efforts.

Know where and what your children are good at, know where their potentials lie, to be able to lead them to right paths failure to guide them, will cause mismatch and they will struggle to get the best from it.

Create a friend zone with your children, this is not the time to distance yourself from your children, they need all the attention to flourish, to reach the climax of their being, they need a little push to go top, continue making it possible for them.

Be a friend and parents, they need all the love they can get, many teenagers go into drugs, robbery and all kind of malicious activities because they aren’t getting enough love from home, they resort to seek it outside and fall prey and find themselves in a very tight situation.

This is not time to show a cold shoulder but to extend an olive branch to all the situation, parents can literally give up everything to see their kids grow and live their lives but will never allow them to be themselves, there should a room for expression getting it outside can be a dog mess.

Don’t surround the atmosphere with too much negativity, let it flow with positivity. Motivation is life, if nothing motivating you to be the best, you have got bigger problem to solve, liberate yourself and get your energy functionality at hundred percent level.

Anthony Emmanuel Network

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